Two Praise Reports!!!
Hey y'all.
Two wonderful things to share.
1) I just have to share that I have finally made it to ONEderland!
I weighed 199 this Saturday so I am officially down 74 lbs since March 15th. I was so happy. I haven't weighed under 200 since 1991. What a great feeling! I actually caught a reflection of myself and liked how I looked. So very nice.
2) My husband will begin a new job tomorrow. (thanks for prayin' Randall) It isn't permanent but it is for 1 year and we are praying that it will open doors for other more permanent solutions. Still...God is right on time because we are getting so very tight financially, not desperate yet but nearly there. The Lord is so good, He knows what we need and when we need it. I love Him so much and He keeps proving His promises are true over and over again.
Thanks for letting me share.
Hugs, Robin

Robin, His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness! He will never leave us or forsake us..even though fear and fretting still come in even in strong Christians but we can look back at our stones of remembrances and know....know....know....that God alone is always faithful. I rejoice and praise Him along with you SIS. And girl..199 onederland....I know you are stoked! You are doing great!!! Tell your hubby to keep pressin in and congrats on the answered prayer and we will continue to pray for God to open dorrs...IN Jesus' Name Amen.
In Him Who is always near,
Joan M