prayers needed for my daughter
My daughter is only 15 and i think she is straying away from God, and the promises she has made for herself, she hasn't been acting herself lately she has been sad and depressed and in some cases mad at the world, i know that she hasn't done any kind of "drugs" but i don't think she is far from that because her sister (who doesn't live with us) has been talking to her and trying to tell her the "glory" of pot. and yes my daughter has accualy asked questions about pot and i have told her the trueth as i know it and also about my bad experiences with it. I need prayers that she will put her focus back on God and that the enemy will leave her and all children alowne and for her to keep strong in her belief that just because someone else is doing that stuff doesnt mean she should try it...
God bless you all
Raising teenagers is so difficult today. I went through years of H*** with one of my sons, and prayed and cried and just kept handing him over to the Lord time and time again. Now that my kids are adults, I can only say, I still pray and sometimes cry. But God is now their Father in heaven, and they answer directly to Him.
Keep praying. If her sister is encouraging her to use pot, I would limit time with that sister for now, if possible.
I work in a drug rehab and a psychiatric hospital, so I see the devastation that drugs and alcohol play on people's lives.
I will pray for you and her.
Thank you so much.. its realy easy for me to limit my daughter seing her sister because she lives in another town, but when my daughter goes down to see her dad she also gets to talk with her sister and even though they may not see each other my daughter still listens intently to everything her sister says, even if the sister wasn't telling her the trueth.. my best prayer would be for her sister to find God also can you imagine what kind of sisters they could be then
all the ups and downs they have been through and be able to love our Lord with all their hearts what a picture.
I so know what you mean by what drugs and alcohol have on people i had been addicted to morophine and my father is a 25 year recoverd alcoholic and he works with kids, im so very proud of him..
thank you so much for all your prayers
God bless you

Hi Paula. I have two teenager daughters, 13 & 17. This is a tough time for them. Does your daughter have a good youth group she can go to? Perhaps the youth Pastor can talk to her. He doesn't have to make it an official thing, like Mom asked him to talk to her. I have mentioned things to our youth Pastor and he finds ways to bring things up or to get my girls to talk to him. I know it always helps them. They talk to us too but sometimes it helps to get an outsiders perspective. I'll be praying that your daughter meets some great Christian friends. They need each other in these years. I'll also pray that the Lord will strenghten and reinforce the relationship that He has with her and will draw her closer to Him.
Hang on.
Hugs, Robin