Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you have had a great nights sleep and now you are up and ready to face a great day! Time to get up and at 'em!
Our challenge today is to ask ourselves, "Now What?". What's next in my life? Now that I am at goal, near goal, or working to get to my goal, "Now What?" What is my next level in life? Refuse to stay in the mundane. You and I have been given a new lease on life. A new life period. Move to your next level! Are you going to settle for the same old same old or are you moving forward? How much have you lost so far? Are you just begining the journey and not yet had WLS? Now what??!? Get up! Go for it! NO EXCUSES today! Again, NOW WHAT?!?
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Folgers Regular with sweet-n-low and Hazelnut creamer. YUMMY!
I hope you have a great, wonderful, and blessed day! Randall 

Well, I have been up since 5am, had my first protein supplement for 25grams of protein, had flavored water and all my vitamins...so off to a good start. These were all done while reading my Bible and Devotions and prayer time before I went to do my Crossing Guard job. Now I am getting ready to leave for my MRI of my shoulder. Pray for my Katie she is sick and has to go with me. Pray they have a place near where I am to wait.
As far as goals...I want to know Christ more and more and to share Him with others, the lost and the Brethren to encourage in righteousness and in pressing in for His glory. I have been asked to share my testimony at a local church and am praying for the Lord to show me what to share and if it is His will for me to do this. I have always loved evangelism and teaching women about the Lord, but usually it is with affiliated churches, this is not.
Time will tell if this is His will and I will rest in it. Have a blessed one all on the Board.
May He fill your hearts with His peace and joy today.
in Christ,
Joan M
Good morning Randall
today is a busy day for me. I have a bible study here in my home on Tuesday nights so I feel compelled to have the house SPOTLESS and so I clean myself silly. I am also teaching a Sunday morning womens class in two weeks and I was suppose to pass out the worksheets tomorrow night at church.......well.....I keep getting an error message on Microsoft Word and it will not let me pull up the file I have it stored in. I do not want to start over but I might have to.
Now what? Now that I am feeling sooooooo.....very much better I am able to do some volunteer work and trying to make a decision which way to go and where I will be the most usefule. I am praying about it and leaning toward things with children. Maybe reading literacy. I am having so much fun now that I no longer have to dray around an oxygen tank. Thank you God!!!!! He has been so merciful to me.
I am sippin' some Gevalia with some not very good protein powder in it. I will be glad when it is gone
Have a wonderful day!!
Hugs, Sandyd

Hi Randall. Thanks for a great challenge. I know that personally I tend to get into a rut and not strive for the next level. I get comfortable. I like comfortable.
But I know that the Lord would have me continue and grow and move onto other levels...so I ask "now what". Well right now the now what is to continue to work on healthy eating choices, CONSISTENT exercise, and focusing less on daily weight loss and more on enjoying life, enjoying food, enjoying freedom and beauty. I want to do this for my children too. The past few months have been so focused on food and weight loss and WLS. I don't want my girls to feel like that is all my life is about. So I am refocusing and helping our family to just enjoy mealtimes together, not stressing whether or not it's helping me lose weight. I am still focused on that, but not vocal about it. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, sippin water, as usual. Heading out soon for a walk and the post office. The blues are going away and I am feeling more in control of my appetite, which for a few days felt out of control with the munchies.
Have a grea day.
Hugs, Robin

Hi Randall,
It is late, and I am just getting on the internet. I work two jobs today.
My next thing is my surgery. My date is Monday, August 28. In the meantime I am going to be working three jobs when I recuperate from surgery. I teach middle school full time. I am praying the Lord opens up a Social Work job in my school district as that is my heart's desire. I work every other weekend during the school year as a group therapist in a psychiatric hospital. Then, I was just offered a part time therapist job at an agency that does outpatient therapy.
As for my spiritual walk, I want to minister to women more at my church. I am praying for the courage to start a women's Bible study at some point. I am not very organized though.
I am sipping on decaf, sugar free, iced tea. Homemade.