Struggling and needing prayers
(deactivated member)
on 8/18/06 11:33 am - Phoenix, AZ
on 8/18/06 11:33 am - Phoenix, AZ
Good evening my fellow WLS family - although I am a 'lurker' I feel like you are all my family. I am reaching out to you tonite because I am losing the battle of everyday trials. My finances are in a horrible mess and I have no available means to obtain credit (suffice to say I am a single parent NOT receving child support and leave it at that - sigh) - I am eating more and more to cover the pain and desperation I am feeling right now because of the situation we are in - please can I ask all of you to pray for me, that I may stay focused in my walk with God and know without a doubt that he will lead us thru this temporary money crisis? I feel like such a failure, and feel like I have let so many people and God down with my financial woes.
I have never typed a message like this before - but I just needed to reach out - thank you for your prayers and support.
Good night - Debbie
Hi Debbie,
First of all, let me be totally honest and let you know that I am in a financial mess of my own doing. I had to go through debt consolidation because I ran my credit cards sky high.
You may feel like you have let God down, but you haven't. He knew about this mess long ago. Psalm 139 assures us that God is aware of everyone of our days.
May I suggest that you develop a self-soothing technique or two that can help you deal with the emotions which are driving you to the food. I practice deep breathing, and listening to soothing music. I also write my prayers in a journal and pour my heart out to God in the process.
Finally, you are not a failure. Romans says we are conquerors. Because of Christ's death on the cross, we are conquerors in the spiritual battle. (It may hurt, and we may get bruised along the way, but we are winners.)
Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. I understand.
Debbie - I will pray! I've noticed that so many of the saints are under attack right now. I was talking with my best friend yesterday, she is terribly sick with MS and she was saying that she has all the money she'll ever need but doesn't have her health, and then she said - and you have your health, getting better every day, but you have no money or financial security. It's always something. I think for me, I need to NEED God. If I didn't have problems - my biggest are that my two kids have walked away from the Lord - I wouldn't be turning to God to be my source. I will pray that He sustains you through this, to the glory of His kingdom!!! May you find your identity in Him and know that you are not a failure! We all stumble!!! If we didn't, then the cross would be meaningless, cuz we wouldn't need a Savior.
Numbers 6:24-26
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
That's one of my favorite verses. May you feel His comfort today, and may His mighty hand be upon you. May you find that He's turned your mourning into dancing. When you consider turning to food for comfort, may He be there to help you turn to Him. Amen and Amen!!!
Love, your sister in Christ, Carolyn
(deactivated member)
on 8/19/06 12:45 am - Phoenix, AZ
on 8/19/06 12:45 am - Phoenix, AZ
Thank you both! Today is another blessed day that the Lord has made. I feel re-energized and focused on my journey. I just needed to reach out last night, and I am grateful that I did. Both of you sisters have blessed me with warmth and compassion, and shared with me what I needed to lift me up. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care - Debbie