Friday coffee talk
Good Friday morning everyone! It's Friday, it's Friday, it's finally Friday! WOO HOO! Got a big weekend planned? I don't have much planned. Just to spend time with Torey and Allison. Might go to the movies or something. I love spending time with them! They are my heart!
Our challenge for today is to recognize the bond we have together. We as WLS Patients have a common bond. A bond of weight loss. Quick weight loss. Overcoming obesity. Coming from the life of being overweight, being made fun of, being the child that no one would play with, being the adult that was overlooked, over ran, and the person who was just a push over. We have a bond that makes us close. Makes us feel for each other. We have become butterflies out of a cocoon. Yes, even us guys! We have been living lives of seclusion and limitations long enough. We have a bond in that we can NOW STAND UPRIGHT AND STAND STRONG!! Let's recognize the bond we have. Let's be thankful of our friendships we've made from! I thank God for this site and the help, support, FRIENDS AND FAMILY I have made here. I recognize the BOND I have with YOU! Thank you all for your support! I only hope that I radiate my part of the bond and offer support to you as well!
So! Who's up? What cha sippin' on this morning? Me? I'm sipping on some Gevalia columbia blend this morning and let me tell ya, for a free sample, I am so impressed at the taste of this coffee! I will have to order some of this stuff!
I feel like I am giving a coffee review.
What about you? What cha sippin' on?
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed and BOND making day! Randall 

Hi Randall,
Good morning to everyone. The Lord bless and keep you. This weekend is cleaning, organization, and finally, after two months, I get to go to church and worship with my church family. I have been AWOL from my worship services due to my work and travel schedule. I work every other weekend at a psychiatric hospital and I have done my traveling this summer between work weekends. This weekend I finally get to worship. I am so excited.
The BOND we have together is made so much sweeter because we all love and worship Jesus. God has formed us into a family of believers who also are doing, or have done, the weight loss surgery. We understand the power of God in our lives, and we love Him because of Christ's death on the cross.
I know plenty of weight loss surgery buddies who barely understand who God is. I know that I could not have made this decision without His wisdom and guidance, and I truly believe that HE cleared the path. I was told it would take me 6-8 months from my consultation date at worst to get my surgery date. My consult was on June 1st. By June 7th my insurance approved. By July 11, I had all my medical clearances into the hospital. By July 14th I had my surgery date, and in 10 short days I am having my surgery. That is all of God. He did that. I stand amazed at His love for me in not making me wait.
Sorry to ramble. Sipping, I had a water bottle, but I have to go get a glass of decaf iced tea. I am trying to detox off the caffeine for surgery. Pray for me to be obedient in this.
`Good mornin' Randall
I have been drinking Gevalia coffee for about ten years now. After the first cup at a friends house I was hooked and now that's the only coffee I drink. I get the traditional roast and the dark roast and trade off because I can't make up my mind which I prefer
Add a little Coffeemate sf vanilla caramel and look out world here I come
. I have been here at OH for about three years and I don't think I have missed a day except when I went on vacation to Disneyland. It is wonderful to be able to share our experience, strength and hope. I have only known about the Christian forum for a short time and am so HAPPY
to have found you all who I have even more in common with. This weekend I will probably hit some garage sales Saturday, maybe a movie with my granddaughter who wants to see Monster House, and church Sunday morning and Sunday evening with my granddaughter.
Hugs, Sandyd