Randall is Home...
He is HOME!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! He is very tired and is trying to stay awake so that he can see his babies. He HAS to give up ALL this extra stuff at school! Don't you know that this sister has given him a tongue lashing!!! He was NOT suppose to be doing ANY of that this year and I TOLD HIM so to begin with!
He says to tell you all that he will try to post later tonight! Doctor has put him on bed rest for a few days. He says thank you to all of you who have prayed and sent him emails! He said he had 87 emails, but does not feel up to answering them right now.
Love ya'll,

WOOO HOOO!!! That is awesome that he is home. You keep on him. I will keep on him too about doing too much...but it is better that someone is there to do it in person....although...I did kind of threaten him I would come down there...lol...it is not the same as you being there to get on him ALL THE TIME!!!!!