Tuesday Coffee Talk
Randall could not miss a day of "Coffee Talk" so I am being his peronal secretary! Yes, I wear many hats!!
I will dictate all that he says, word for word!
Good late Tuesday morning! I hope your morning has started off to be a good one, better than mine!!!!!
I do love you all and appreciate your prayers. They mean more to me than you will ever know. I am waiting for my doctor to come in and tell me that I can go home. My nurse just came in to give me my medication. I am upbeat and ready to get out of here.
My challenge for the day is one that comes straight from ya'll! To be thoughtful of others just as you have been to me and others here on the board. If we are only thoughtful of ourself and think of ourself, we're only focusing inward. In focussing inward, it only makes us become selfish people. None of us would ever want to be known as being selfish. So be thoughtful of your neighbor today and show your thoughtfulness in your actions, words and deeds. Be amazed at how it will make you feel.
So what cha sippin? Me? I have just finished a cup of coffee and I am trying to sip on some 2% milk. I have already had 16oz. of water.
Again, I love you all and hope you all have a good day. I hope to be back in person this evening!!!

Thanks bb for RC!
Randall - you know, there's no good thing in me, aside from my Lord!!! All praise to Him!
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Take care & God bless you today!!!
Thank you for still finding time to think of us while you are in the hospital. I am praying for you. Thank you Becky for posting on Randall's behalf.
I don't know why but I am reminded of the verse, How good it is when brethren dwell together in unity. Perhaps that goes along with our challenge for today. We should reach out to those around us. I find that my heart always wants to help out and be there for others, but I struggle with making the time to do just that. I allow other things to get me busy and then I simply forget what my heart intended. Lord, help me to act on my hearts desire's more quickly so that others around me will feel the Love of Jesus through me.
Had nearly 20 oz of water already today. Now I am eating my Turkey Mushroom Meatloaf. It is delicious.
Love & Hugs,