Friday coffee talk
WOO HOO! It's Friday, it's Friday, it's finally Friday!
Time to get up and get the day going! Today is the start of a wonderful weekend! Got big plans or just chilling out?
Our challenge today is to share a little love. Make someone smile. Lend a hand. Anyway possible, share love and show love. What an awesome place this world would be if LOVE abounded! That's what this world was created on. God's love. God is a God of love and GOD IS LOVE! God loved us enough he gave His Son. He gave His best for us. We should want to love if God is in us. This world lacks a desire for God and lacks HIS love. There is an old song that says "What the world needs now, is LOVE sweet LOVE. It's the only thing there is just not enough of." Love heals. Let's share love today and maybe we can heal a little piece of our society.
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Almond Ameretto this morning trying to wake up and get going! I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed, and LOVE filled day!

Good morining Randall.
It's a nice cool, not humid day here in MD. I like the heat but not the humidity.
Thanks for sharing the love with us.
God truly is love and I love Him with my whole heart. I want to show His love to everyone I meet and know.
I finally got some sleep last night after two nights of tossing and turning. I feel so refreshed today. It's amazing what a little sleep will do for you.
I went for a short walk on my lunch break yesterday. I brought my tennis shoes so I can do it again today. I figure that if I walk for 15 mintues or so on lunch that it is at least a step in the right direction. I will still need to go to curves and ride my stationary bike but I am hoping that the walking will help me have more energy and be motivated to go home and do more.
Sippin water as usual. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Robin

Hey Friend!
I have been thinking about you! I am praying for good things on Monday!
I have been working on this sharing love thing on a daily basis for a while. My hubby is going through a difficult time on the ship right now...and I am trying so hard to encourage him...finding scriptures to send...sending more emails...even though most of the time he can't respond back. Things over in that part of the world are crazy...and he needs all the encouragement and love he can get!
I have been babying a french vanilla capuccino for a while now. It was a nice change...just right for today.
My kids will be gone this I am going to try and get some cleaning/packing done...though we still don't know if we are moving to SC yet...or if we will need to look for a bigger house here. So much going on right now! So many things to pray about!
Anyway...have a GREAT weekend...and please let me know how things go on Monday!