Tuesday coffee talk
Good morning! I overslept.
Gotta get ready to get out the door and head to the Church office! I over did it yesterday and have been physically drained since. Guess my body wanted rest! Time to get up and at 'em!
Our challenge today is to NOT over do it in this heat! Take care of your body. DRINK YOUR WATER!! Watch for warning signs I.E.: Nausea, chest pain, temperature elevation, stopping of sweat, lethargy and just feeling drained. You have to take care of YOU! This heat is unbearable and I pray for anyone who works outside. All I did yesterday was clean some equipment and I was drained. Be careful today!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my single cup of Folger's with sweet-n-low and creamer. I already have some Crystal Light lemon aide ready to start sipping on! Gotta have tha****er today!
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed COOL day! Randall 

Good Morning Randall,
I overslept too. Fortunately, I do not have to be at work till 10:30 am EDT.
I think your challenge not to overdo can be applied to our service to the Lord as well. How many times have I gotten burnout when I was serving on too many committees and ministries, and teaching Sunday School on top of it. I was a Martha, and couldn't get a clue about the Marys sitting at the Lord's feet.
I have 20 days till my surgery.

I thougtht something was wrong when I beat you to the message board this morning with the Verse of the day. I was going to send the troups out looking for you and you were just
I am sure you needed the extra rest. I will keep sipping all day, here in AZ everyone carries a water bottle around because of the heat. Have a great day Randall. Hugs, Sandyd