hernia before wls
Ok i went to my family doc last week for my "weigh in" and also because of this "lump/bump" on my uper right side and he said it is a hernia, and was going to schedule me with a surgeon but didn't because of me going through wls he is hoping that i can get my wls soon and i can get both things taken care of.
My questions are these though... why did i get a hernia before? will that make me more prone to getting hernias after surgery? what can i do to help with the hernia? does andyone think a hernia should be opperated on before my wls??? or is it ok to wait till surgery? The way my family doc said "oh you'll have wls soon enough so this can get solved" realy didn't give me a time line or if one is needed..
any information would be great.
God bless you all
ps, i also posted this on my lj and on the ohio board here too
so sorry if you see it more than once

Last week I happened to ask my surgeon about hernias. He said that hernias are primarily the result of weak abdominal muscles. The fact that you've experienced this before WLS surgery is not an issue to be concerned about. It is my understanding that hernias can be repaired during WLS. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress. If you can't get answers from your surgeon, let me know I will post a queston on my surgeon's list serve...it's a wonderful resource for answers to these types of questions.
thank you, i did have my endoscope on tuesday and of course they couldn't see if i had one through that, that i needed to get a cat scan, but the dr did find out that i have a stomache infection and prescribed me some meds, but my medicaid wont pay for the med so the only thing he could do then was to put me on some anti inflamitory meds (previset sp?) he did do several biopsys which is standard.. so we will see.
God bless you and thank you again