update on the "prayers needed again" post
Well today i got a call from my case workers helper, and she told me that i was on the Buckeye insurance that i should call Buckeye back and say that.. so i did and when the gentleman was on the phone with me i got a beep but couldn't figure out how to use my "call waiting thing"
so the guy tells me that my case worker did aprove me for it and then two days later he got a void it from my case worker, so i call back my case worker and she isn't going to talk to me she sends me back to her helper, and the helper says that "no i will not be getting Buckeye insurance that my case worker thought it best to keep me on my medicaid" ... so im thinking i can handle this, i just have to be calm and alowe God to keep the control, this solves one problem for me, and that was the 6month diet but it also creates another problem medicaid has been fighting tooth and nail in giving the aproval for the surgery..
so now what do i do??? im just going to keep putting it in Gods cappable hands, ive been patient this far as much as i can anyhow..
ok im trying.. this is a work in progress thingey.. LOL
and i have a praise right now too.. i have gotten in touch with a renter that will rent us a house in the country
yay i get to keep my mini horse
now we have to pray that all the deposit and all will come in
God bless all