Wednesday coffee talk
Good morning everyone! Time to get up and going. It's "Hump" day. Half way through the week. 2 more days till the weekend.
Our challenge today is to do something special for your children today. No kids? Do something special for a niece, nephew, or nieghbors kids. Love your children or the children in your life! God blessed us with such a special blessing when He gave us children. They may try our patience and sometimes push our limits, but we love them still the same. Make today special for them in some way! Take them to a movie. Buy a pizza. Take them swimming. Make them cupcakes. Give the an "I love you" card, HANDMADE like they did/do you in elementary school. Make it "Kid's Day"!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Foldger's coffee house blend and it is so good. Hope ya'll have a blessed and wonderful "Kid's Day"!

Good morning Randall!!
What a fun challenge....I get my granddaughter off to school everyday and greet her when she get home. She is the love of my life. My husband and I helped raise her till last yearand never had more fun. It will be fun to make her a handmade card and special after school treat (maybe snowcones since it so hot). Have a great "KIDS DAY"
Hugs, Sandyd

Good Morning Randall:
What a neat idea. Since my kids all live out of town, I can send them notes. I also cut out grocery coupons from the newspaper, and send them to the kids. Helps with their budgets.
I am sipping on diet decaf iced tea. Then I am off to the hospital for work. Pray for my patients. God is at work in some of their lives and they are struggling with serious emotional problems.
Ah yes, my parent friends all tell me how much they look forward to school starting and though I miss the kids, I have to admit, the first couple weeks of school is TOUGH! We don't start bac****il the week of the 21st and I'm glad for the extra bit of time to get ready. Hope your kids (and you) have a wonderful, blessed and successful school year!

RANDALL! You must have the gift of intuition! Lately, my life has been all about being the Mom the Lord wants me to be and as you know, my kids are in crisis. WELL, I pray. Yesterday - late - something AMAZING happened! My daughter who was walking so closely with the Lord a year ago, asked if she could go to Spirit West Coast - a huge Christian festival down in Monterey - starts today and ends Sunday AM. A friend had tickets and was strongly encouraging (maternal pressures!) her daughter to go, so both her daughter, Michela and mine, Emily, are GOING!!! PRAISE THE LORD! They will be surrounded by 7 (or more) stages with Christian artists, speakers, people, and the LORD! So - I'm so happy!!! Please pray for Emily and Michela that they will choose NOW to return to their first love!!!
My son - well, he remains in darkness, but I've got calls into counselors and doctors to help him through this. He has stopped using LSD and smoking pot, but now all of his feelings are rising to the surface. He needs to LORD - and I pray that he will also return to his first love!!!
Thank you to my dear husband who is supporting me through all of this (not the kids dad). He's even upped his authority by setting aside time to study the word with me - something that we have wanted to do, but haven't actually DONE until now.
So - praise the Lord all around! I'm sippin my decaf with international sugar free mocha. YUM!
Take care dear ones!!!
Hi Carolyn,
I lived in CA, Monterey county, for 4 years. Spirit West Coast is great.
Not that I've ever been but my kids went with the youth group. Our church tries to go camping there every year. Your daughter will be blessed and truly surrounded with Praises being sent up to the Lord. I'll pray that the Holy Spirit will touch her heart and draw her closer to the Lord.
I miss CA.
My daughter is visiting friends there right now.
Have a great day.
Hugs, Robin