prayers needed.. again
Thankfuly its not my chest pains this time but its about the insurance and the diet and all the stuff that goes along with getting wls... heres what has happend.. i have been on medicaid for well over 5 years this whole time i had been looking up and researching wls but was told when i started that medicaid wouldn't do the surgery so i pospond it till this past year i found out that medicaid has been doing the surgery if you have at least one comorbid obesity problem, (which i have many) so i set my appointment with the surgeon and i have gone to the seminar and i have been doing what im saposed to do, i had to change my pcp during this process because she didn't belive in wls she sat there in the room and told me it was the "easy way out" and "that i was to get my back surgery and diet and exersize like real people do" (yes she said that) anyhow i called around and found a dr that does aprove of wls and will try and help me all he can, now the first dr had put me on a diebedic (sp?) diet (and i have been on that for about a year 1.5 now) my new pcp wrote that in his paperwork and i had asked my surgeons office if that was good for him to do that and they had said "yes absolutley" ok im getting ahead of myself here sorry.. ok between all of this the DJFS changed our insurance to Buckey (something something not sure of the rest of the name) and my wls office was pleased with this cause they only have the morbid obesity problems and a 6month supervised diet to do.. so when i went up to my surgeons office for my nutritionist appointment i took all my papers and i was under the assumtion (yes i admit i probably was praying and hopeing this was the last of the diet paper work i would need) that that was it for the diet part of the aproval thing.. yes i would need to go to my dr and get weighed for the next three months and yes i would have to take those papers to the surgeons office but i didn't think i would have to start all over again with all the diet stuff..
anyhow i was called today and was asked if that was all the paper work i had for my diet from the dr and i said yes and she said that wasn't what was needed totaly that it needed to say that i am on a supervised diet with exersize and for 6 months before i can get aproved.. (I can not do the exorsize because of my back my back surgeon will not even do the back surgery until i lose at the least 75lbs and then he said he wouldn't garentee that the nuts and bolts that he puts in there will do any good till i at least lose 125lbs) i feel like im in a "catch 22 HERE" so then i get the paperwork for the "new insurance" and there isn't a card in there for me or my husband:?????? so i call the company and the lady says that she will look it up that that was odd that the kids are on and not me let alone my husband, and says that i may want to call my case worker and see what is up on her end, but to wait till the insurance lady calls back just in case its their fault.. so i wait for the call and wamey.. the insurance lady calls back and says that my "case worker" didn't aprove of me to get insurance this month but maybe she will for next month, what?? huh???? so am i back to square one or none now.. i very upset right now and im not sure what is whast anymore.. i called my case manager and she hasn't gotten back with me at all, she always does this, i know that she has a lot to do but man couldn't she give me a call and ask whats up at the very least??? when i got aproved for my ssi i was told that i would get medicare but now i have been told that i wont and im not sure why?? i know with medicare that there isn't any paperwork diet stuff that is needed but there are still a lot of testing to have done, which i am thankful for that it means there is progress, but this getting my hopes up and then not even knowing what a hope is, realy hurts bad, i want to be healthy, i want to give to my husband what he deserves, and my children what they deserve, they deserve a healthier person in their lives, they deserve to have a wife/mom that can live not stay at home in home and die a little at a time with the burden of all this weight, and i take responsibility for my weight don't get me wrong, but i deserve to be healthy finaly..
God bless all and please keep prayers going so i can get this surgery and start living life..
I am so sorry you are experiencing such a run-around from the caseworker and the doctors. Such things should not happen in this country, but unfortunately they do.
This is where the deep faith has to come in. Dig deep in that Word and ask God for a special message just for you. I am going to give you the verse that my best friend and discipler gave me when my husband left me, my house had to be sold, and my son became addicted to heroin, (all in one month). Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Now, claim that. Believe it. God has plans that are for you, just for you. Do you believe it? They are not to harm you, but to give you hope and a future. Start believing that. It may mean more paperwork and more diet stuff, and all that junk that the insurance and the doctors do, but trust God's plans for you. He sees the big picture and He has you in the palm of His hand right this minute.
Another verse I love is Romans 8:38-39. It says that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. That includes Medicare and doctors. They can't separate you from HIS love. Remember that when it gets really ugly with the caseworkers and stuff.
BIG hugs,
You are very welcome. I have had my share of frustrations from government agencies, and can empathize. Plus, I work with several clients who are on Medicare, or Medicaid, and often see them dealing with that stuff.
One of the things I have learned in my life is that God is bigger than our government and its agencies. He is bigger than any of my problems or yours. He also loves us with such enormous love, He won't let go of us no matter what.
Paula sorry for all the junk going on but cling to those scriptures she gave you for they will be your peace and remember the word is ALIVE! you can depend on it to be TRUTH. Waiting is the most difficult thing to do. Seems I am always waiting for some kind of direction from the Lord, but good things come to them who wait on the Lord.
God bless you and keep the faith!
thank you
i did call my local mental health deptmartment today so i could try and get this depression undercontrol. I just wish there was a mental health christian place around me that would be my ideal place. and yes i will keep the verses above in my mind, thank you all so much for all the prayers and thoughts too
God bless you