Monday coffee talk
Good Monday morning! It's so good too see you up and at 'em this morning to start a new week. Today is going to be a great day and it's also going to be the start of an awesome week! You can make this the BEST week of your life.
Our challenge today is to "NOT limit yourself"! In your thinking concerning YOU! Don't tie yourself up. You can reach goal. You CAN finish school! You can get that raise/promotion! You can do anything you set your mind to. Don't think that at your age, weight, looks, education you can not do something. If you think that way, CHANGE your way of thinking. You are limiting yourself. Limiting yourself is like if you were bound in ropes and chains. None of us like being bound. I know I wouldn't. So change your thinking today and have NO LIMITS in your thinking. No limits in reaching your dreams! You can do it, without limits!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my 1/2 caff today. There is nothing I like better than my 1st cup of the day. Coffee is just so invigorating! Wakes my senses and gets me going.
Please know that just because I don't always personally respond to you I DO read each of your replies and you touch me more than you know! I appreciate you all so much and I am praying for you!
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful and limitless day! Randall 

Hi Randall! - Wow - look at me, replying before noon PST! I'm drinking decaf with sf decaf international coffee mocha stuff. It's yummy. I'm glad to have found an AM drink.
Thank you for your challenge. God hears the prayers of the righteous, and we are righteous by the blood of our Lord. Scripture says - you have not, because you ask not. Now, we all know that we can't read that and say - ok - I have not a big house, so I ask for a big house and expect a big house to appear. My prayers need to begin and end with asking for the Lord's will for my life to be fulfilled. That being said - my husband and I were talking yesterday and decided to pray for something for ourselves. Our pastor is leading a group on a trip to Israel next March. I've been there before - last year, but my husband and I weren't doing well, and he bailed. It's been a sad thing for both of us that we didn't share that together. So, even though we don't have the money to go, we are praying that the Lord will provide, if it be His will for us to go. There are people - my folks & family who will think it's nuts to plan a trip to Israel right now, but we were both so touched by the fact that to show support of God's chosen people now is important. We both also know that the Lord knows the number of our days and when that day comes, it won't matter if we're in Jerusalem or Petaluma CA - it will be our time. So - I'm focusing on not limiting my thinking by worldly cir****tances. Yep - that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
Praise report - we did a little yard sale fund raiser for some friends who moved to Racine Wisconsin and have a childrens ministry for the inner city kids there - meeting almost every day after school and weekends - at their home. Praise the Lord - He moved in a mighty way and we raised $1,500 for them!!! Glory to God in the highest!
Have a great day everyone. May the Lord be with you today and may He fulfill all your needs - as that is His plan!
~Carolyn in Petaluma CA

This is indeed a great day in the Lord. The thing is that if I do not get off this computer and stop hanging around in this forum then I am not going to be able to get anything done. No matter how much you tell me I can do it. LOL
I just love being here. But since it is 2:30 and well my hubby does deserve to have a clean towel to dry off when he takes his bath, I had better get busy. But thanks Randall for the positive words of truth to get me going. I can do this!!!! yes I can!!!

Great discussion. I do tend to limit myself and say I can't do this, that or the other thing. Only to find out, not only could I do it, but I could do it well. That was revealed to me in graduate school.
Now, I am learning to self-soothe myself when I am upset, or tense, because when I have the surgery, the food, my drug of choice, will not be an option. So, instead of feasting on a hot fudge sundae, I can feast on the Word, and meditate on it. This will help me grow in the Lord while I lose the weight.
Carolyn, I am so behind you with your plans for Israel. It is definitely a mission field. I have a dear friend who ministers to Muslims in Southern France, and she has such a burden for the Iraqi women, and desires to go there. I looked at her and asked her if she was nuts.
I know that if the Lord calls you there, it is where you belong.
I also believe our days are numbered. I shared that thought with my son, as he kept reminding me that 1% of all WLS patients die from it. I told him when the Lord calls me home, it won't matter where I am, but that He called me and I am going HOME. I could die in the OR, or on Interstate 95 in Philadelphia going to work. My time comes when HE decides.
Good chat. My drink today: sugar free/caffeine free iced tea.