Thursday coffee talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to get up and at 'em! Time to face a new day.
Get up! Spray those pits and eat those grits!
Our challenge today is to know that you are not a mistake! You are here for a reason and a purpose! Your life is NOT a failure! You are somebody! You are beautiful! NEVER let anyone tell you any different! Hold your head up high! YOU ARE LOVED AND YOU ARE IMPORTANT! I spoke last night to a group of young people and this was my topic. You would have been shocked at the number of teens that feel they are not important and feel they are a mistake! WOW! My heart went out to them. No one is a mistake and no one is un-important! God has made us in HIS image.
SO! Who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm sipping on my 1/2 caff this morning. I love my a.m. coffee. That first cup just gets your senses going and wakes you up time it hits your lips! MMMMMM
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and HEAD LIFTING day! God bless! Randall 

Good Morning Randall,
I am sipping on 1/2 caff also. I like mine black, no sweetener.
Psalm 139 is a lifeline that saved me over and over again during the deepest of depressions after my divorce. There were actually times when I felt I was not only a mistake, but a joke that God played on my family. Yet, Psalm 139 tells me that He knit me together in my mother's womb. I knit and crochet all the time. I love to sit with my yarn and lovingly put together something for a loved one, or myself. I put a lot of love, care and planning into it. I show it off to friends as I work on it. I can just picture God the Father with His knitting needles, lovingly putting each stitch into my being. I see Him showing me to Jesus, and talking about the LOVE they have for me.
My future daughter-in-law is supposed to be on Good Morning America this morning performing for a show she is in. "Shout" is an off-Broadway show she is in.
Good Morning,
Thank you so much for your chanllege this morning. I really needed to hear that! I have had so much stress the past few weeks concering some family issues.
"My mother is from Italy and is 80 years, she ask me this year about taking her home this year because it may be her last visit. I said of course. I have two neices (17 year old belongs to sister )one is 17 and the other is 9. The 9 year old's parents are my brother and sister in law. The 9 year feels she has to do everything to keep up with 17 year old and the 9 year parents feel that she should as well.
The 17 year old is a senior in high school so I thought she was adult enough to go and she could help with grandma. ( her parents are paying for her trip. ) My mom has problems walking and I will need to help her get around. I made arrangments for the trip and then a month later things broke loss becuase the 9 year old had not been included. I recieved an email stated they did not understand why their daughter was not asked to go. Anyway to make a long story short, I recieved another email today that stated that I would not be able to see this little girl again and that any family event they would not attend if I was there. I can not believe this is happening! "
I am sorry my post is so long, I just had to vent today.
Thanks Randall! Good one! The enemy would like nothing more than for us to feel defeated - but by the blood of the Lamb - we are victorious!!! Thanks so much.
Connie - I'm so sorry for your situation! To an outsider - it makes perfect sense. This is not a family vacation, it's a serious responsibilty to honor your Mom's wishes. Is there a family member who could intercede on your behalf? Maybe the parents of the 17 year old can explain that this isn't going to a "romp around europe" - but service to your Mom? Our family has had many squabbles about things - and the waters do smooth out eventually. I think what you're doing is wonderful, and I think the decision to take the 17 year old is a great and solid one. Try to be strong and know that your choices were good.
I'm sippin on water at this point. Not very inspired and I would love to find a caff free- sugar free AM drink, but haven't yet. Any suggestions?
Regular decaf doesn't sit well in my tummy yet. Maybe in another month or so it will...
Take care dear ones!!!
Carolyn in Petaluma CA

Connie I am sorry to hear the conflict going on in your family. Just remember this too shall pass. I know while you are in the middle of it you probably want to say people GROW UP!!! It is never easy expecially when children are right in the middle of the conflict. May God help you and give you the answers needed. God Bless
Not doing to much drinking or eating today have a BUG

Connie - it just seems to me that you would have your hands full. It's funny - people, not you and me (ha ha ha), are selfish, and see something and only think of themselves. But seriously, you're doing this for your Mom. If you had tons of money and could sponsor a trip to Italy for the family, well, wouldn't that be splendid! - But this is your Mom's hearts desire. I hope that someone in the family can educate your bro & sis (in law) about the purpose of this trip. They need to think about your Mom and her wishes - and not about themselves. Too bad - but as a poster said - this too shall pass! I hope it passes quickly!!!