Where ya from? how long you been saved?
Hey Robin,
Back in 1976, my ex and I lived in Monterey, as he attended DLI as a German linguist. He then got transferred to Goodfellow AFB, and then Ft. Devens, Mass. We stopped traveling there, till he got out in 1980. I have a daughter, who just turned 30, who was born at Ft. Ord. Ex was not a career man. God blessed us with Bible preaching chaplains at Presidio of Monterey and Ft. Devens.
Good to get to know you.
I am originally from San Jose California. But have been here in Cheney Kansas for the past 16 years. I was saved when I was 9 years old. But I have only recently started to spread my wings. I plan on getting baptised again and rededicating my life to the Lord. Like the Reliant K songs says..........I'm sorry for, the person I became. I'm sorry for it took so long for me to change...........
I feel like I have wasted so much time!!! I can't get enough of him right now!! And I will never be able to express what he means to me!!! Ok, that's enough, I could go on forever!!

Hi Dona,
I rarely post on this forum. I read yours and thought I would post.
I live in NW Houston (Cy-Fair) area.
I was saved and baptized at 9 years old. I had a great-grandmother who taught me to love the Lord. Unfortunately for awhile, I forgot what she taught me. Fortunately, I remembered! I attend and serve at a Christian Church.
Tuesday August 1st, we (some folks from the Jan Board and maybe the TX board) are meeting for lunch at Kenny and Ziggy's on Post Oak. If you would like to join us we plan to meet at 11:00.
God Bless!
Hi Dona, I'm from Eufaula, Alabama, where I am a member of New Birth Church of God in Christ. My pastor is an annoited man of God and My first lady is a recording artist. Good to meet you. I'm saved, got saved at the age of 12, Holy Ghost filled, but unfortunately backslided later on in years; came back to Him, (thank God for the seed remaining in me) gave my life completely to Him, makes mistakes, but God and His tender mercies forgives me as I work on myself.
I hope you find all that you need from this board to make yor spiritual journey and you weigh loss journey more profitable.
Church website www.geocities.com/newbirthcogic
Oh how I love God's people!!! It is sooo nice to hear all your thoughts, where you live and go to church. We serve such a wonderful, loving Father. It seems we have several things in common. First that we all know we NEED JESUS, and second we love our churches. I tell you I really do not know where I would be today without God's people. There is nothing like praising his name and lifting him up TOGETHER. There have been so many times in my life that God would send just the right person to speak to me in due season. Like I believe God sent me here. I have been looking and looking for a place that I can come and share about my struggles with my weight with people who know. At first I thought "NO don't post here what if your insurance does not cover then the people you make friends with will not want to hear your problems because you have not walked in their shoes. But then I heard " does not matter for on this board are people who love me and YOU NEED THEM!" Wow so I said ok I am diving in. LOL Glad I did. You are wonderful and it is great to hear how much you love the Lord. Lets keep lifting him up!
Hi Donna,
I'm really late on this one~sory.
I was saved and baptized at 39 years old~late bloomer I guess LOL. I have recently started a new church. It's Calvery Missionary Church. After spending 4 years in a church that I know God did not put me in I found this one after googling Missionary Churches. This was the first one that came up, it wasn't to far to drive, when I got there I knew who the (new that day) pastor was, plus I felt so at home there! It's a God thing
I am from Westland Michigan. I was born and raised 2 miles from where I live now. I moved to Houston Texas and lived there for 6 months in 1981. I didn't like it at all (no offense to texas people). I witnessed a murder and came back home a couple of days later Never to return~ thank you JESUS!
May the Lord bless you,