Where ya from? how long you been saved?
Hey Ya'll it's me the newbie from Texas. Since I am new around these parts could you help me by telling me where you live, and maybe even how long you have been serving the Lord. Also where you attend church.
As for me I live in Conroe Tx which is about 50 miles north of Houston or 4 hours south of Dallas. I gave my heart to Jesus back in 1981 when I was young(about 25) and it has been the ride of a life time. Would not trade it for all the cattle on the hills and the taters under it. Ok yes that was stupid but that's ME not stupid but just my personality. I attend Innerfaith New Testament Fellowship.
So how about you.......
Hi Dona -
I'm over on the west coast - Petaluma, California - about 30 miles north of San Francisco - wine country. I love it here. I accepted the Lord when I was about 12, after watching a Billy Graham special on tv. But, since my family didn't support it - they thought it was "really cute" - I never followed through on following Him - 'didn't know how. So, I wandered in the world/wilderness - still kept safe by His promise, till I was 38! Then I turned to the Lord and truly commited my life to Him. He was faithful before, and has been faithful since! Praise Him that He never changes!
My husband and I attend Calvary Chapel Petaluma - which is a wonderful church! Our Senior Pastor is 25 years old and truly annointed. There are so many young people at our church. We live in a very dark county/area. There are lots of new age, cults, zen - etc., things here so we need to be focused on Him. We go to church 3 times a week. I'm the director for the nursery, and although our church isn't huge - about 500 people, we usually have 16 0-24 month old babes in our area. God is awesome!
Welcome to this forum!
Carolyn in Petaluma, CA
Thanks ladies it is nice to know where you live and how long you have known our Lord.
Everyday gets sweeter and sweeter with him. I am so blessed to know that there are so many wonderful men and women of God who love him and love his church. I do not know where I would be without either one of them. God's people are the greatest people!!! I know that you all probably agree that you love your church and church family.
Wow Carolyn your pastor is very young! But age means nothing to the Lord. He uses whom ever says here am I Lord use me.
Dona, I was out of town on vacation when you posted this, so I'm posting my answer late. I now live in Ray City, Georgia, close to Valdosta, GA. It is wayyyy down south not far from the FL line. My husband and I are originally from Arkansas though. I grew up in Gurdon, Arkansas and my husband is from Malvern, Arkansas and those are the areas that our families now live in. I have a brother that lives somewhere around Dallas, TX. Anyway, my girls were both born in Monroe, Louisiana and then we moved to Alabama and then back to Arkansas and now in Georgia. Whew, boy am I tired of moving. Oh, and we also lived in Baton Rouge, LA and Fayetteville, AR before the girls were born. I was saved as a child. It was my first summer to attend church camp. The church I attend is First Baptist Church in Nashville, GA. We love our church and are involved in the choir and on the fellowship committee. We live close to Moody Air Force Base. I have several fellow Arkansans that go to our church and also a family that recently moved here from Iceland that is visiting our church. Because of the Air Force being so close and Nashville being a smaller community than Valdosta, we get quite a few people from all over. Anyway, I've made this long enough. It is nice to meet you and nice to have the newbies here.

Shei it is nice to meet you as well. I just thought it might be nice to see where everyone is from. I am sure this has been done tons of times on this board but just thought I would give it a shot. I have only lived in two states. I was born in Bham, Ala and moved to Tx when I turned 19. My family are going to try and take a vacation soon for me to visit Alabama. I have not gone back since I moved. Again great to meet you and everyone on the board.
Hey Dona! I'm late with this one!
I'm Randall and I live in little old Luverne, Alabama. I was born here and moved away at age 9. My father moved us around so many times it wasn't funny. I moved back here in 1985. Started attending Luverne Church of God and have been here since. 21 years. I met my wife in 1987 and someone set us up on a blind date. I couldn't stand her.
Loved her in God's love, but not "in love". YET!
We went out again. Never could figure out why.
We fell in love and married June 3, 1988.
I love Luverne and know I am in God's will here. We have since changed our ministry name to Faith Walk Ministries. I am a lay Minister, teach, play the piano for our praise team, over our feeding ministry where we cook for neighborhood kids. We have fed (on Wednesday nights) as many as 186 kids!
God is good. I've learned over these years, it's all about GOD! Not me! I'm also our Church Secretary and I love everything I do for God. God is faithful!
Nope! That wasn't stupid.
I wouldn't trade what I do and where I am for all those taters either!

Hi Dona,
I too am late posting this but thought I would go ahead anyway. I am currently living in Columbia, Maryland, near Baltimore. I work in Baltimore. We are recently retired from the Military (Army, 24 years for my husband). We have lived at Fort Hood, TX and surrounding areas; Monterey County, California; Augusta, GA and Germany. Maryland was our last duty station and we are staying put for the kids to finish high school. This is a tough time in their lives to be moving them. We do not live near any family but we feel that God brought us here for a purpose.
We attend Ellicott City Assembly of God. We love our church. My husband and I are on the worship team and my girls are on the Youth worship team. We sort of really like music in our house...and Praising and Worshipping the Lord.
I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 16, he truly saved my life, in more than one way.
I was planning to commit suicide and the Lord broke my heart and helped me to remember what I was taught of trusting in Him when I attended a couple of summer youth camps. I cried out to Him and have trusted Him ever since.
Anyway, welcome and thanks for helping us all get to know each other better!
Hugs, Robin

Hey Robin! I'm Randall from Alabama. Yup! I'm country.
Nice to meet you. I'm Church of God and did attend an Assembly of God as a youth. I was babtized in the Holy Spirit at age 9 at our Assembly of God. I remember that night VERY well! I'm so touched by your testimony of how God saved you and your life! I too am on the Praise Team at our church. I LOVE music as well as my 2 children. God bless you and your family my friend!