Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone. I hope you are up and at 'em and ready to face another day. This is going to be a BLESSED and WONDERFUL day! Can't you just feel it?
Our challenge today is to know where your strength lies. Your strength lies inside of you! You can stand up! You can be strong. Don't allow yourself to be defeated. When things come at you and bombard you, you can stand! I heard it put this way once. When a palm tree is in the middle of a hurricane, it may bend, but it never breaks. It always stands right back up. It may be battered and it may be beaten, but it's strong as always and standing upright. You can too! Don't let life beat you up! Be strong today! I know you can!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Almond Amaretto and it's always so good!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful and blessed day! Randall 

" The LORD is my strength and song,And He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; My father's God, and I will extol Him.
Exodus 15:1-3
It is when I try to handle things forgetting where my strength comes from and try and go it alone that I get into trouble. Right now I am struggling with my granddaughters home life which is causing her a great deal of pain. She is trying her best to serve God among those of her own household that are trying to discourage her and ridicule her and it is horrible to watch and she is only ten years old . I pray daily that this situation will not weaken her but make her stronger. Thanks Randall
Hugs, Sandyd
Sandy I so know what you mean. Why is it that we try and fix things ourself and then when we can't we find ourselves running to the Lord. When if we would just give these things we can not change to him and pray the word over the situation it would work out for the best. Remember the Lord loves your grandaughter and has her best intrest at heart. He is with her and yes it is hard on her, but you keep speaking the truth over her life and praying for her to be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might. Remember even as young as 10 years the Lord is working in her life and making her grow stronger in him. Teaching her how to trust in him at a young age.
I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis. My son is a drug addict and my little grandson, who is a year old, is being raised right now in that lifestyle. All I can do is pray the will of the Father and trust him for protection for both my son while he is away from God, and my grandson while he has to live that way. But all I can do is stand and trust!
Amen! "So be it!"
I'm 3 months post op today! I'm so grateful to my Lord for what He's done in my life. I've lost 44 lbs since surgery, and I'd lost 30 before so that's a total of 74 - Praise the Lord! (That's 296 sticks of butter for a little "visual!") The Lord is the strenght of my life and for the joy set before Him He endured the cross! Praise His name!
Have a good one. I'm sippin' on a flat diet/caff free coke. I know - Gross - but sometimes I crave it. No carbonation for me, so I let it sit out over night - I know, again - Gross! Heat is still crazy here! Should be about 85 not 105!!!
~Carolyn in Petaluma CA

Wow Carolyn congrats on the weight loss. Keep up the great work. Now on that coke thingy LOL So correct me if I am wrong but I do not get to keep my diet coke if I have surgery am I right? Now see this could be a real problem as I LOVE IT
really I LOVE IT
I probably should get busy trying to quit
this could cause problems. LOL. But I guess it will be worth it in the long run.
That heat is rough right now. I live in Texas and am use to the heat. It has done nothing but rain here since Sunday. That has cooled things off and it has really been so nice. I don't like the rain but I do like the nice cool days. Anyway stay in that A/C and make sure you drink all your liquids.