See me? See you?
I have been asking my self this question here lately. How do others see me? Do they like what they see. Then I began asking myself, how do I see others? Do I like what "I" see? Then another thought came to my mind. (Boy, all these thoughts in "this" simple little mind might cause some overheating.
) Here's the thought. I shouldn't ask myself do "I" like what I see, but am I seeing them in another's eyes. This isn't the Christianity Forum and I know that, I just wanted to share this with ya'll too. It's not how I should be seeing you, but am I seeing you in "LOVE"? Am I seeing you as I should be? Am I looking deep inside you and seeing the "real" you? Not just the surface you. The you that's been hurt. The you that's been through only God knows what that's caused a mask to be put up? Are you seeing the "real"me? The me that has gone through things only God and I know about? Or are we judging each other on what we see, physically? Who am I to judge you? Who are you to judge me? There is only one judge that will matter some day. We can go to the courthouse and stand before the judge and he can render a decision. ONLY HE CAN! No one else. On the day we stand before God, we will face the ultimate judge. The only one that matters. I wonder. How do you see me? I wonder. How do "I" see you? Is it really for me to see? For you to see? Not unless I'm looking past your faults. I don't see who you are, I see who you can be. Who you are deep inside. I see you in "LOVE"!

Mr. Randall and I say that Mr. with all respect!! You are one most remarkable man. I am a newbie here, just found the christian board yesterday. I have not had much time to read and find out about people. When I read this message you shared with us SEE ME? SEE YOU? I thought this is good. Much needed words for todays day and time. I know that so often I lack in "LOVE" and how I look "SEE" people. As I continued to read I knew I needed to hear this. So after reading I then decided "ok I will just look up his profile and see who this man with words of wisdom is". I found your information and right away was blessed by your love for the Lord and read word for word everything. How excited I was to see you lose the weight and things going your way. Then my heart dropped!!! The more I read the more I cried, and still am crying as I am writing this to you. YOU my friend are such a GIFT to this board. Although I do not know you, (but by the way was born in Bham, Ala some 49 years ago LOL) you have touched my life today and made me think of just how much we need to "LOVE" Randall I am so sorry for you lose!!! But when I look at you I see JESUS!
Thank you Randall. What a great reality check! I remember a long time ago, I asked God to help me with my "judgement issues." I found that whenever I had a negative thought about someone - a small voice would say "take that back." It's a thing that I can work on everyday and will not perfect till that glorious day when I stand with Him! But, I'll continue to work on it.
Have a blessed day, Bro!
Carolyn in Petaluma CA
Hey Carolyn. Man! Hearing that still small voice! I've been teaching a small group in my home on Sunday evenings and we've been talking about that very thing. Sometimes it's hard to hear him if I am doing all the talking.
I do that too often! God bless you my friend and hope you have had a great day! Randall 

Hi Randall,
This is a great discussion. When I started to see people through Jesus's eyes, He burdened my heart for some of the most unlovable people in our society, the ones that people try to avoid. The addicts, alcoholics and mentally ill. After my divorce, He sent me to graduate school to pursue a Masters in Social Work and gave me two internships working with this population. I LOVED IT. People think I am nuts, but I love working with this population, and I don't feel like I am working when I do so. I now have two part time jobs working with the mentally ill. My full time job is to teach middle school students in Philadelphia. I pray I can get a full time social work job with my school district.
When I look at people, I usually see a person's wounds and hurts. I see the need for the LOVE that Jesus showed while He walked on earth.
His Child,