Tuesday coffee talk
Good morning everyone! I hope you are up and at 'em, ready to face a wonderful new day!
Our challenge today is to not compromise. Compromise means to give in, or to accept defeat. Don't compromise in your eating, your thinking, or your beliefs. There was a song once that said, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything". How true and how powerful is that statement? Compromise has caused a lot of things to fail in our society today. PLEASE! Stand! Don't compromise.
SO! Who's up?
What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some wonderful Almond Amaretto this morning. It kinda wakes up your senses and gets ya going.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday! I'm back to the Church office today after being on Vacation for the last 10 days. I am ready! Randall 

Good mornin' Randall....caught your post this AM on the Christianity Forum. I'm just finishing my 2nd cup of cafe con leche w/splenda from Ron's Cuban....of course. You would be in shock if I ever drank anything else, I'm sure.
Our number came up....nearly one year after hurricanes Wilma and Katrina we are getting our roof replaced. No more catching the rain in buckets.....yeah! Today it will be noisy, but a sound I am grateful to hear.
Have a blessed day....

Morning Sunny! Hmmm....If you DID drink anything else....??? NOT!
I'm so glad they are fixing your roof! WOW! We take those things for granted up this way. A lot of people do I guess. We just think that it's all over with and done. Things are back to normal.
Almost a year! God bless you my friend! Randall 

Good morning Randall,
I hope you're enjoying that wonderful Almond Amaretto this morning. I'm drinking a lovely protein shake made with ff skim milk, a scoop of designers whey chocolate protein powder, a 4oz. container of light 'n fit carb and sugar control yogurt all blended together then partly frozen. What a nice treat. Thank you for the link *BIG SMILE*
I will accept today's challenge. Some things require compromise but sometimes there is no room for compromise. Hope you're doing well.
May God bless you always,

Thanks for the challenge and so appropriate for this part of my life i am afraid I have compromised with my weight loss goal and accepted that this is all I am going to get which is a long way off from where I want to be. I have started to accept defeat in this area and there are things I can do to change this. I am not a failure!!! I am a child of God. Thank!
Hugs, Sandyd
Sandy! YOU ARE RIGHT! You are NOT a failure! You can do this! You can use this tool. Just as the bible is our tool spiritually, we have to use it to make it work for us. We have to use this new pouch as a tool too. Make it work for you. You ARE a child of God and you are victorious! God bless you my friend! Randall 

Wow - I'm really late for the coffee talk. Glad you all sound so good! Sunny - so glad that your roof got the ok from insurance. I read your post for prayers, but our internet has been funny (I think the wires fried in our heat wave) and didn't reply, but I did pray!
No compromise today. For me that's a great one since I'm pursuing finding help for my son! No compromise. His old therapist believes that he needs to find something he's good at - like the scriptures says, men without a vision will perish! So, I'm looking for a good therapist (a new one since this situation has a drug spin on it), and I'm trying to get him set up with guitar lessons, and into a glass fusion class that he expressed an interest in. No compromise in the care for my kids! I want to be able to stand before the Lord and although I've fallen short, to know that I didn't compromise.
Thanks and y'all have a great day! (Y'all borrowed from my Texas relatives since I'm a California girl!)
Psalm 121