Help?? Having protein trouble!
My protein is making me very nauseated, even if I just take a sip. I'm using MaxPro (Whey-based). Any suggestions on a protein that is easier on the pouch? Did anyone else experience the same problems right after surgery? What did you do? I'm at a loss. I've been without food now for 1 week and I'm feeling very, very weak and lightheaded and have got to get some nutrition in! Any help would be wonderful!
I replied to the other post you sent me...but I needed to also tell you this. As you are very early is most important that more than stay hydrated!!!!! I was told not to focus so much on protein in the first few weeks. If you get dehydrated, you will end up back in the hospital. Give your body time to rest. It has been through a lot. If you find a protein drink you like in the next few days...GREAT!!! But if not...please stay hydrated at least...and give your body time to adjust.
Good Luck!

What kind of diet are you on now? It seems like you are having a lot of difficulty...and maybe should talk to your nutritionist or surgeon. Have you tried the unflavored protein that you can mix with pretty much anything? Also...powdered milk has protein in it...and you can mix it with things. I am only sharing with you what my surgeon told me. I was on liquids and things like pudding in the very beginning. In the first few weeks...I was told not to focus so much on the protein. It is great if you can get it in...but your body has been through a lot. You are learning a whole new routine. You will have to try things like they are new all over again. You will have to scrutinize the things you eat...and make sure that you are getting some protein when you start eating food. In the beginning...when I was eating things like pudding...and yogurt...they have protein in them. I was able to eat them just fine. There is also protein in some juices....that I was told to mix half with water. is not like I was getting none at all. I was very careful in the beginning. But...more than anything...I tried to drink as much as possible and not be dehydrated for the first couple of weeks. I knew that would land me back in the hospital...possibly being fed by tube. The next few weeks will be rough ones as you adjust...but we are here for you! You will look back on this soon and realize you are already a year out!

My diet is supposed to be like this from the time I'm released from hospital, slowly progressing into each step:
2 weeks clear liquids (broth, jello, juice that you can see through, etc.)
2 weeks full liquids (creamy stuff, cream of wheat, jello, etc.)
2 weeks pureed foods
then move into soft, easily digested foods.
I tried applesauce today and that really helped me out a lot. I think I'm going to try pudding as well to get some protein in because with clear liquids (jello, broth, juice), there is very little protein and I have been feeling terrible on that. I'll be jumping the diet plan but if my system is tolerating it, I'd rather get the nutrients in. I'm almost 1 week out of surgery right now. The applesauce made me feel SOOO much better today. I talked to the nurse at my doc's office and she said to lay off protein drinks for 2 days and then try a different brand. So, I'm going to do that and maybe experiment with a little sf pudding tomorrow. If I can jump to the full liquid stage, I can get more protein in. Any other suggestions would be more than helpful!
Thank you!

Hi Miss chrystal,
I hope you feel better soon. I mix 1 tablespoon of anywhey unflavored protein powder into a 16.9 oz.bottle of water then add 1 packet of Chrystal light to go(I usually use lemonade, tea, or raspberry lemonade ~you can use what ever kind you like). I shake it up real well then sip, sip, sip. 1 Tablespoon of anywhey protein adds 9 grams of protiein to the chrystal lite. If you do that with all of your water you are good to go
In the morning I put 8oz. of F.F. skim milk into the blender, add 1 container(4oz's. of Strawberry lite 'n fit carb & sugar control yogurt and 1 scoop of designer's whey chocolate flavored protein powder. Blend well pour into a glass and sip, sip, sip, ~27 grams of great tasting protein. Are you eating soft foods yet? I also add 2 scoops of the unflavored any whey protein powder to my jello and pudding before adding the liquid to it. Do you use isopure? I didn't care for the taste of it post-op, but used it to make jello instead of water, wow What a difference that made. Excellent high portein jello.This Idea actually came from a friend from my support group. Michelle, she was kind enough to share her discovery with the rest of us. Best wishes as you adjust to your new lifestyle. Everything you are going through right now will pay off in a few short months. I cant believe I am 8 months out down a total of 185+ pounds. went from a size 30/32 that still wasn't big enough for me down to a size that goes between an 8 and a 12. I can't believe I can wear a size 8! GOD IS SO GOOD WONDERFUL, AMAZING, AWESOME, FANTASTIC, COOL, TERRIFIC ........THE LIST GOES ON, AND ON, AND ON.
May God bless you always

As far as I know, there isn't much protein in the first few weeks. My doc has me on 2 weeks clear liquids, 2 weeks full liquids and 2 weeks pureeed/mashed. I'm 2 weeks out and doing full liquids and am not getting much protein from my food intake. Also, keep in mind our little our tummies can hold so even if there was SOME protein, it wouldn't be enough. You need 60 grams of protein a day. Didn't your doc put you on a protein supplement? I am now starting to tolerate the protein better but think I might be allergic to whey so I'm going to try a different protein base. Good luck!