Thank you Jesus......
For letting me find Randall who sent me the link for this forum. Now I can start posting here again. Hi everyone, I don't know what happened but you all just seemed to disappear LOL. Actually I couldn't find this site anywhere. I went looking for a familiar name form the Christianity board and found Randall's post on the main board. I E-mailed him and he sent me the link which I have booked marked. I hope to be posting here more often again. The Lord has blessed me so much, I don't know where to start. I believe I have finally found a church home. A week ago I goggled Missionary churches and I went to the first one that came up since it wasn't to far from where I live. I called to see what time services started and knew I would be about 15 minutes late, but went anyhow. When I walked in I immediately recognized my old pastor's pastor from up north. It turns out he was asked to take over as pastor at this church and after coming down to visit moved his family here. That was the day he was officially named pastor of the church (I don't know what that's called induction ceremony maybe?). It was really cool to witness that. I felt right at home there. I was out of town this past Sunday, but will go back next Sunday. Stay tuned....More to come.
P.S I have a job cooking for a retirement community. I started 2 weeks ago~God is so good!
May God bless you all?