needing some prayers
hello all, im one that likes to say prayers but i have a request for a prayer tonight.
I have been having some chest discomfort today, im not sure if its due to my gallblader of what, i don't feel like its an emergency room visit type thing but im still a little worried. I haven't had my surgery yet and im praying to get it done soon.. i realy don't need to have heart complications.. realy pray that all is well with my heart.
thank you all in advance
God bless you all
Paula, I would encourage you to seek an answer for this discomfort. You don't want to ignore any chest discomfort. Now is the time to find out answers and with medical knowledge today they can work wonders with our body's systems. Of course, not discounting the power of prayer.....I'm a firm believer that prayer is priority. But God gives to us a mind and feelings so that we won't ingore possible warning signs.

Hi Paula,
I hope you're feeling better this morning. Chest discomfort is not something to mess around with. Whenever you have pain or discomfort in your chest (arm, jaw area) it is best to seek out medical attention. I used to get chest pain often. My Dr. told me it is better to be mistaken with heartburn, or musscle aches and see the Dr. than to not see a Dr. and end up haveing a heart attack. wishing you well.
May God bless you always,
I know that you are concerned about the fact you have not had your surgery yet, but if your chest is really bothering you it would be best to have it checked out. Just remember that God is in control and he will work everything out for you. If it is something that needs looking into he has the answer already and knows your needs. So just trust him and let him lead you. Hope you are feeling better soon