Monday coffee talk
Good morning everyone! I hope you have slept great and now you are ready to face a new and wonderful Monday. Today will be a great day! Keep it positive!
Our challenge today is to leave the past behind and move forward to what lies before you. The past ended one second ago. You can't go back and change that second. You can however change the second that is about to take place. The question is, what are you going to do with that second that is about to come? The past is just that. The past. Leave it there. Forget it and move on to a brighter second that is about to come. Our past could beat us down, IF we allow it to. I hope you choose today NOT to let your past beat you up any more. OVER COME your past and move on. You can do it! You've already overcome one part of your past. Your obese past. If you can conquer that obese past, you can overcome any other thing in your past!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my 1/2 caff and enjoying the quiet. School activities are gearing up starting today. Torey has band camp! ALREADY! He has to get up at 6:30. I know it'll be hard to get in the routine again......for him.
I hope ya'll have a blessed, glorious, and past forgetting day! Randall 

Hi Randall! Good morning! I'm sippin on H2O at this point. Not very inspired to find a good AM drink yet. I'll work on it!
Forgetting the past is an awesome topic. I believe that the enemy would love for us to dwell in the "wrongs" of the past - what I did wrong, what was done wrongly to me, oh the injustice of it all! - But - the Lord has covered both my sin and the sins of others when He said IT IS FINISHED! So, there we go!
Have a great one. I'm off to small claims court. Some ding-a-ling on a motorcycle hit me several months ago, and although he didn't have insurance, and the police report says it was his fault, he's suing me. May the Lord's wisdom be imparted to the Judge so that this thing of the past, can become part of the past!
Take care! - Carolyn

Hi Randall,
Forgetting the past is a learned thing. It took me a long time as a Christian to let go of my past and forgive myself for those mistakes. Yet, it is so freeing when I do it, because I am better able to serve the Lord and enjoy the moment I am in right now.
I am sipping Diet Squirt, a soda I will have to give up when I have my surgery.
Thanks for the topic.