Need help with energy, headaches, eating protein
Hi friends, I need some advice. I had surgery on the 25th of April. I weighed 244 at preop. 233 on surgery day and now weigh 189. I am tired alot. I can not seem to get enough protein or liquids in. I do fairly well on liquids, but how on earth do you get all that protein in? My labs were a little off for transferin, rdw and alt, if that means anything. I have had horrible headaches, and my surgeons's nurse said my blood work did not indicate anything out of the ordinary that would immediately send up a read flag. I see my surgeon in 2 weeks for my 3 month check up. I have taken one trip to the er for shots to stop my headache since tylenol doesn't touch it. My primary physician is out of town until August on a family emergency. Any ideas folks? Kim M.
Kim - Wow - We're really close in information! I had my surgery on 4/26, weight at surgery was 222, now I'm at 180. I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well! I haven't had any problems with headaches. Are you drinking caffeine? I'm not, but I hear that post-op caffeine can give headaches. Are you getting your 64 ounces of water? I'm close, but not always at 64. How about vitamins? I take One A Day Women's twice a day, plus Citracalc w/calcium citrate Petites 2 or 3 times a day. I wish I had more insight! I will pray that the Lord heal you of these things and that He bless your doctors with wisdom!
Take care!!!
Carolyn in Petaluma CA
Psalm 121
Hi Carolyn, We do have similar information. I am not drinking any caffeine whatsoever. I drink what I can, but am not sure it is 64 ounces. I take 2 Bugs Bunny vitamins a day as I can not get the big pills down. Thanks for your help.I'm glad things are going well for you. We really have lost about the same amount it looks like. Are you not tired at all? Kim M.
HI Kim - sorry - our internet crashed - probably melted - yesterday. I've got to say that I'm no more tired than before - so I think I'm a little fatigued, but it's offset by the weight loss and the energy saved. My blood work just came back and all looks ok - I had wondered about the iron - but it was good. That being said - I do not have a particularly strenuous life - pretty relaxed (except for the 2 teenagers). So, by design, my life is just a bit more slower paced than normal folk.
So maybe that's part of it. I hope you're feeling better really soon!!!
Take care -

Hi Kim...
I have migraines...have for years. Mine can be triggered by many things...but are mostly hormonal in nature. The surgery screws up your hormones. Fat and estrogen are linked. That is one thing that could be causing the headaches. Of course...heat...dehydration can also be a can lack of is different for each person...and the best thing you might want to a journal to see if you can figure out if there is a certain thing that triggers them. As for the protein...I too...had a problem in the beginning...cause I could not find a protein drink I could stomach. I just tried to start monitoring things more...and counting EVERYTHING...even if it only had a couple of grams of Protein. I have been able...thus get all my required protein in by food...though it took several months for me to figure it out...And...the tired thing...well...your body will catch up. It has been through a lot...and once you get the eating will be ok. Are you taking sublingual B complex? If not...that will help. Hope you feel better soon!
Stephanie, The ER doc thought that my headache might have been a migraine as it was behind one eye and on one side of my head. I had been very busy with 11 people in my house for a week. We had 6 people visiting and ran hard the whole week. Also, I can't seem to get in enough protein because both protein bars and protein drinks cause a headache too. I will try some other things though. My surgeon never mentioned B complex. What does it do? All I take is Bugs Bunny Chewable Vitamins 2 times a day. What do you take for your migraines? Tylenol never even dented my headache. Thanks for your help. Kim M.
With that many people there...and that much going wonder you have a headache! Make sure you don't get dehydrated...I may have told you that already...but that causes headaches. I have been on various things for my migraines. Mine are very frequent and severe. Most recently, I have been on Topamax daily, which is actually a seizure med that has been approved for migraines. It reduced the frequency of my headaches. I also had a prescription for Stadol Nasal spray that I could take at home...instead of having to go to the ER. That is how bad mine have been. But...I am not on the Topamax right now. I was pregnant and lost the baby last month. Topamax causes birth defects, so I had gotten off of it quite a few months ago to prepare for having a baby. I had to take the Stadol Nasal spray recently...but I am finding my stomach does not handle the taste of it like it used I end up eventually vomiting anyway. Sometimes that helps...sometimes not. B complex liquid I take...under my tongue twice a day. You keep it there for 30 seconds and then swallow. It helps with nerve tissue healing...and it also helps with energy metabolism. It takes a while to build up in your system...but I can tell if I don't take it for a while. I got mine at Food Lion...but there is plenty to be had in all of the drug stores. I just try to find mine on sale...and sometimes Food Lion has it on sale. I hope all of this helps.

Dear Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. My heart aches for you. I lost a baby many years ago and nobody understands the hurt of it unless they have experienced it themselves. Also, I remember well meaning people saying hurtful things. Once again, I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your advice. I will try the vitamin B complex liquid. I just feel so weak. It sounds like it must be over the counter. i will look for it.
For the headaches, two primary doctor appts. lined up and I sure don't want to get another one of those again. I have not heard of either drug you take, but I will discuss them with the doctor. It was the worse headache ever. Thanks again Stephanie. Kim M.
Thanks, Kim.
They may try you on other meds first...just so you are aware. I have severe migraines...lots of them. There are other meds that they will probably try first...and if this was truly your first migraine...they may just give you a medicine that you can take as needed...just if you feel one coming on. There are some like Imitrex, Zomig, Fioricet. The meds I was on are for more severe cases. The seizure med was an every day thing. They may also try you on a beta blocker such as propanolol. There are many drugs out there that work...but if this is the first one you have certainly don't want to be linked to having to take something every day. I hope they don't return for you...and they will find the perfect treatment for you. Every one is so different! I have heard Imitrex is great. However, I cannot take it...or Zomig...or any "triptans" because of a reaction I have had....only because I already have an arrythmia. Let me know what they come up with. These headaches can be debilitating...but don't have to be! Take care!