Bear with me a moment.....
But, I have to talk to someone. Torey got home from camp yesterday around 5:30 pm. He has just been talking 90 to nothing! I have given him my FULL attention too. You see, he has done nothing except tell me about how he was ministered to at camp. He went to be a couselor/rec-worker, but the Minister at camp this week was awesome and ministered to counselors/workers too. He told of how he began to heal, cry, and let God touch him. I was about to cry as he told me. He said he just cried and cried. He told of how Lori (my niece) just broke down over Joie too and how they prayed together and held each other as they cried. I never even considered Lori and Lee (nephew) and what they must be going through too. (over Joie's death (my wife))I just figured their Momma (my sister) was there, she could handle it. Joie and I have been Lori and Lee's guardians and they have stayed with us off and on since our 1st year of marriage. Even before Lori was born we had Lee and Amber at our house. I'm so ashamed that I haven't thought about how this was affecting them. God is so good though and Camp has been a healing tool for Torey and Lori. If your children ever get the chance to go to camp, let them go! My children have always gone, but this year was special for Torey. I know it will be for Allison too. She gets home tomorrow from Camp Braveheart. It's a camp for Children that have lost a parent, sibling, or loved one due to death. I thank God for Wiregrass Hospice for doing this for kids. I thank God that He began a healing in Torey! Praise the LORD!
Thank you guys for lending me your eyes here. I just had to talk to someone. I love you all! Randall
Randall! Praise the Lord! That's so amazing, but that's how our Lord does things! I think that camp is one of the most important things that kids can do! It makes me so sad to see parents who don't support their kids desires to go to camp. At camps they are knit together in unity, with each other and with the Lord. Again, praise the Lord! Isn't it amazing how He knows the hurts that we aren't even aware of? It baffles me that He can care so much more than we can (I can't fathom that!) about our kids! Thank God! - that your kids know where their Mom is... and that you will all be together again, someday soon.
Randall, I hope that this day you can do something sweet with Torey. Be it lunch somewhere, a walk, or anything where he had your attention. Whatever you do, I'm sure you're singing praises to the King!
God bless you Randall!
yes church camp is the greatest, even if it isn't your own "denomination" (sp?) my daughter has gone to the baptist church camp for the past two years it isn't our denomination but i belive any way children can get fed for Gods purpose is a place i want my kid to go and this year with Gods help he gave her the strenght to work off her camp tuition, we didn't have the money to pay for her but God is so great he found a way for her to go.. it was a great experience for her.
I am also so happy for your children and your niece and nephew to be able to help each other start the healing process
I am so sorry to hear that about your wife, your story was very encouraging thank you so much for sharing that, i will keep your whole family in my prayers
God bless you all
God is so awesome the way He uses His people in all sorts of different places to minister healing to our kids. All of my kids went to Christian camps when they were growing up. I believe it left permanent marks on them, which will never go away. The Word was ministered and it does not return void.
I will pray for your family as you heal and grow in Him. He loves us with an everlasting love, which endures forever.
A very wise pastor I had once, always said he would rather have a teen at a week of Bible camp than a whole year of Sunday School, because of the intense impact it makes on them. Where they are not bombarded by outside things. I have never forgotten that. I was a teen-young adult at the time. Needless to say, my children have gone to camp EVERY opportunity they have ever had, even when it was with other churches. My two youngest just got back last Friday.
I am rejoicing with you in this blessing.
Bobbie Lynn
Oh Randall, thanks for sharing...Our God is the God of alllllll comfort as His Word says. He sees the broken hearts of each of us and ministers in ways we can't imagine. I have to tell you what an encouragement you are to me. It is refreshing to hear a Godly man talk of the Lord in such unabashed wprds of love. He is so worthy of our praise and adoration. May the Lor continue to heal all of your family as the grieving continues. I lost my Dad when I was almost 14 in 1963 and I still grieve and miss him so. But the pain isn't as bad...I just cry and smile over the memories now. I am so glad I have great memories of my Dad and I know your children and niece and nephew do also. Grief is a strange thing...sometimes you feel so heavy with it and at times it is so light you feel guilty for not feeling more. But the Lord knows and will help us. It is such a blessing to have loved ones that knew the Lord before their death...because we know they are with the Lord. My Mom passed in 2001 and she had only received the Lord 3 years earlier, and I was so glad that she finally said yes to me to go with me to church and she sat next to me and received the Lord that day. I was one happy daughter that day and am still grateful to the Lord for saving her.
The camp sounds great.....where do you live?
Have a blessed week,
In Christ,
Joan M