OT - Breakthrough with my son...
Hi - as most of you may have read, I've got two teenagers in bad places. Both have walked away from the Lord. My daughter, Emily, 15, is in therapy for her depression and her cutting, and is doing better. Today, she and I are going to a bridal shower with all her old friends from Church. Please pray that she sees the Lord's love in them! I'm hoping that her heart will be softened and that He will touch her in a deep way to bring her back to Him today!
But - then there's my son. David is 16 1/2, and has been in rebellion for years. He's gotten into drugs and when I found out about a month and a half ago, I was baffled on how to handle it. His Dad (we're divorced) does nothing since he doesn't want him to feel like he can't talk to him. I'm more conservative, and I told him that he would be punished for the drugs. I told him that they are harmful to him and that they are illegal, and that he is under my authority and care, and "not in my house..." kind of thing. He's been battling me on this - very defiant. Yesterday was crazy. I found him out on the deck with a tee-shirt tied around his waist and no other clothes, and oil paints on his face and body. David likes to do things to see my reaction, always has. My husband talked to him, and told me that he wasn't high. So, I told David to clean himself up and put some clothes on. He said no. So, I told him that I was going to have to call the police because his behavior wasn't rational. Now, I've told him before that I would do that - but for some reason (prayer!) this time, he heard me. He told me that he doesn't want to stop smoking pot, but he stopped taking the LSD months ago, and that he won't take it again. He told me that he'd obey my curfew and even agreed to go to counseling. He's mad as a cat on a hot tin roof at me today, but I can handle that. We talked about pot and how when teens use pot, they are more likely to attempt suicide, and have a higher rate of developing schizophrenia. He told me that he'd always expected to end his life with suicide. I told him that he didn't need to live like that, and that his life should have joy in it that would make that thought never enter his mind. So - my action for now is to find a good counselor - there's one that he's seen since he's little, but I'm not convinced that she's the right one. The psychologist that my daughter sees would be more my choice. So, I'll pray for God's guidance and strength!
I pray that the Lord bless my kids at this time, and that He keep them safe. That He would command His angels regarding them to keep them from harm from the enemy! Please pray for David Ezekiel and Emily Elizabeth as well!
Thank you!
oh, Carolyn. I did these things when I was young. Just try to talk a lot. It took me a lot of years to understand this, but I thank my mother today for dealing with me in a loving manner and set the foundation for my faith and salvation. She didn't preach to me a lot but she told me of the love and joy I was missing and would find soon if I would look closely at certain people and situations. I realized what COOL was by observing both sides. I got a look at some old druggies after about 20 years of that lifestyle. They lived poorly and looked rough. Christians modeling their love is an awesome thing. Do you know of some very dynamic young couple that could model to David? I'll pray for all of you that the Holy Spirit will show Himself in a kind of way everyone can understand.
I agree with what the other gentleman said
if you could get him to see a mentor someone who has been there someone who is on his level and most importantly someone who is a christian.
i am so glad you have done it the loving mother way with both your children belive me that realy does help a lot, i didn't have that growing up i didn't get into drugs or anything as a teen but i did after i was an adult before i alowed the Lord into my life, its not a good place to be, but you belive what your doing "takes you out of the painful world you live in" and yes i know now that was the enemy talking to me but when your young sometimes you cant understand that unless you have a realy good mentor or parent like you that is loving..
so keep up the love and i'll keep you all in my prayers.
God bless your whole family

Carolyn my heart and prayers go out to you and your children. I know your suffering and pain and may it strengthen you for the battle which is not with is not with flesh and blood. God is in charge and Christ will overcome the world. You keep praying as you already have and doing all that you can and God will take care of the rest. In love, Sandyd
Thanks everyone. Our internet went down yesterday - probably due to the heat - so I couldn't check back in. I appreciate your comments. There is a pastor on staff, a guy in his early 30's who would like to spend time with David, but David has a very closed heart to Christians. Praise the Lord that He is able to soften hearts. It's been my prayer that David would find nothing good in the world so that he would more easily return to the Lord... and I believe that these events are a direct result of those prayers. I will continue to pray and tell David I love him and see what the Lord does!
Thanks again! - Carolyn
Hi Carolyn,
I have an adult son who is 23. While in high school he experimented with drugs and then in college he got hooked on heroin. For three years, I cried and prayed, turned grey, and now he is doing so much better. He is now working full time and going to college. He is not out of the woods, as he drinks alcohol. He just keeps me on my knees everyday, interceding.
All I can do is encourage you to keep consistent, use tough love when you need to, and pray, pray, pray.
I am here if you need to talk.
Trish - thanks! I know I can pray and intercede for David & Emily, and that gives me a huge amount of comfort. Plus, my church family is praying for them, and for me and my husband to have wisdom, strength, and love for these two precious ones!
I hope that your son breaks completely free of all substances. I drank a lot when I was in my early 30's, but have been sober for 11 + years now.
May God bless you richly today!
Carolyn, My heart cries out for you! Rebellion is rampant in today's society. I break this spirit of rebellion that is trying to overcome your home. You are the spriritual head of your household. Sometime when your son isn't home, daughter too, go in their rooms and anoint it. Pray and plead the blood over their lives. Command the devil to leave. NO! I'm not a fruit loop, but you have to take a stand! I am so proud of you for talking to your son. That's the best thing you could do. Spend as much time with him as you can and he will allow. One other thing, him smoking pot is not allowable either. Is he doing this in your home? Is he bringing it in your home? With you being the spriritual and parental leader, do not allow him to have it in or on your property. You'll be the one held responsible if he were to be caught. I don't mean to sound so harsh. I really do admire you for being a single parent and for the things you are facing. Just don't comprimise! Stand your ground and be that loving but firm Mom! You are doing an awesome job my friend and I AM PRAYING FOR YOU! Keep the faith and keep your chin up! You are not alone! God is there with you giving you the peace, wisdom, and knowledge you need! God bless you! Randall 

Randall - not only is rebellion rampant in our society it is encouraged!!! I live in northern California and what a dark place it is! Praise the Lord that we can pray His covering for our loved ones! BTW - I'm not a single mom, although my husband is my 2nd husband (1st since I've been a Christian). My husband is lending his quiet support and doing beautifully in this situation. He knows that because he has struggled with sin (alcoholism) in the past, that he needs to prove himself a man of character before anything else.
Pot. Pot is an illegal drug, and although so many try to minimize it as a drug, I'm not one of those folks. I told my son that there is Zero Tolerance for pot. He asked if he could smoke it at his Dads (which is ok with his Dad) and I said No. You're my son, and my responsibility. Period.
I love the idea of praying in their rooms! Thank you so much! I look through their rooms regularly, but I haven't prayed in there.
Take it easy! Hope that getting back into the routine isn't too rough!

Father God, I lift up David and Emily to You now and pray that they would be set free from the lies of the enemy of their souls and would truly know You as their Savior and Lord, the One Who loves them most of all. I pray for protection for them from themselves and the lures of the enemy. I pray that only Truth would get through their minds and the lies would be stopped. Father, you say in Your Word that as believers, we have the mind of Christ. I pray You reveal that to them now. Father, You understand the Prodigals in our lives and You are waiting with open arms for them. Help them to know that and to be humble to receive Your love and for them to know that You are able to complete what You started in them. Give Sandy strength to stand firm for truth and to have wisdom to do what You tell her regarding her children. I pray for the children's father that he would stand firm also and take responsibility for them and help with the finances for their treatment. But ultimately Father You can heal them. We wait now in expectancy of what You are going to do....In Jesus' Name Amen
Joan M