Introduction and Prayer Request
Greetings Brothers and Sisters
I am Trish, and I am a 48 year old, pre-op patient who lives in Pennsylvania. I love the Lord and seek to serve Him in all I do.
I have a special prayer request. I am currently a middle school teacher in Philadelphia, but last year I earned a Masters in Social Work, and desire to use that degree instead of teaching. Problem is, there is a huge salary differential between my current teaching salary, and any starting salary as a social worker. I also have an enormous amount of credit card debt, and student loan debt to pay off at the moment. I had a difficult year last year teaching because of some animosity I received from my assistant principal.
Today I was offered a job as a full time social worker. The agency is where I did my student internship last year while earning my degree. I also work there part time in the evenings. I truly would like to take this job, but would have to move in with a family member to afford the career change.
Please pray for me to make the right decision that the Lord would have me make. I have until Monday to decide.
Prayers being sent up for you.. i always remember this in a time of dessisions..
"If God brought you to it He will bring you through it"..
if He has put it on your heart to be a social worker it may be that your faith is needed there (as a sosial worker) maybe you'll run accross someone who needs to learn about our Loving Father or maybe there will be someone who knows about our Loving Father but is afraid that they have done something so teribly wrong they don't feel they could be forgiven, i realy treasured the people in my life that have had a strong faith exspecialy when i didn't have faith at all and was trying to do things all on my own,.. and even if it is a monetary pay cut, im sure it will be a "Spiritual" pay raise..
God bless you and prayers are going up for you