Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone. I hope you have slept as good as I have. It's time to start a new day. You'd think someone on vacation would sleep late wouldn't you? 
I guess I'm just one of those who can sleep sound w/o sleeping late. I'm afraid I'll miss something in life sleeping it away?
Our challenge today is to check your heart condition. Yep, your heart condition. Are you hard hearted about everything. Even somethings. Some things you "shouldn't" be so hard hearted about? Or are you soft hearted? How's your heart condition today? Check it, then if it needs "fixing", get the bad stuff bypassed and have a "healthier" life.
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm headed to the coffee pot as soon as this is posted. I'll have whatever is quickest/ready made hear at the Inn.
Ya'll have a wonderful, blessed, and GLORIOUS day! 

Randall your challenge today reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
I have to remind myself at times that everyone does not have, nor has not had, my life nor are as blessed as I am. It is easy to be tender-hearted towards those that love us and those we love but the others are the real challenge. I will try to give them all a break today. Maybe all they need is whal we all need
Hugs, Sandyd