Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you have slept as well as I have and you are ready to face a new day! "Yawn".....I'm still sleepy.
My challenge today is to "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you". Yep, I'm stealing the "Golden Rule" today. I think if we'd follow this simple rule we learned as children, life would be so much easier. Do unto others? As we'd do unto ourselves? What? You must be joking? I can hear people now saying this. If you sit back and look at it, you'd wonder how people expect to be treated. If we are to do unto others as we do our selves, how DO we expect others to treat us? Then there is the verse we learn as kids too. Love thy neighbor as thyself. WOW. It's getting deep now for sure. Love your neighbor today. Do unto others as you'd have done unto you! I don't know about you, but I love to be respected, treated fairly, and feel loved.
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me?
Can you believe I've not even made it to the pot yet?
I'm debating. Coffee or back to bed. Shoot! I'm on vacation. I think the bed will win!
Ya'll have a great, blessed, and wonderful Tuesday! Randall 

Good morning...
Thanks Randall. That's a good one - tried and true! Love your neighbor - and then the hardest - love your enemy. My heart broke this morning to hear that Nazareth & the Sea of Galilee are being bombed. I was there about 14 months ago, and the people and just the places are so lovely. I found bitterness creeping in for the Hezbollah... but Jesus came to save the lost. Not just the semi-lost, but those in total darkness. So, today I will pray to have compassion on the enemies and pray that they would see Jesus and know Him.
So. I'm sippin' water. I need some good sugar free, fat free ideas for morning drinks. Can you all let me know your favorites and the brands or mixes?
Take care all and may the peace of the Lord reign in your life, and may His peace reign in the world! (Lord, I know by asking that Your peace reign in the world calls for You to return. So Lord, please come soon. Lord, we commit our families to Your mercy and grace, and we thank Your for Your faithfulness and Your unshakable love! Amen!)