Prayer Request, please
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I need to ask you to pray for me please, let me give you some background. I am the secretary at our church and I am having huge problems with a lady at church. She is actually our music director and she is making my life miserable and I'm am so ready to give my notice to the Pastor. When she makes mistakes it's never her fault and I'm not asking for her to be perfect in any way, I know that there is only one perfect person and none of us can live up to that. But when she does make mistakes, it's always my fault or I should have been able to read her mind. I have tried so hard to be kind to her and love her unconditionally but I'm to the point that I have to walk away from her to protect myself, or I just break down crying with what she says and does to me. Our Pastor knows what is going on and for some reason he just has this need to protect her and makes excuses for her and I don't feel supported most of the time. I was in the choir and chose to leave because she would during services point out mistakes (her mistakes) to me. The Pastor wants me to reconsider quitting the choir but I really feel like I need to put some distance between her and I.
So I would appreciate your prayers in helping me handle this in the way that would glorify God. I am trying so hard to hold my tongue and not lash back at her when she comes attacking at me. Sometimes I think I'm just to quite and meek and need to get a back bone and just let her know I'm tired of it. I just don't know what to do.
Thank you all for your support.
Loni - I'm sorry for your situation. I've often wished that I could work at my church, and then I think - well, maybe not.
I will be praying that the Lord directs your path - that you would not lean on your own understanding of this situation. That the Lord would move in this gal's heart, in your pastor's heart, and in yours. That the Lord would close the doors that are supposed to close and show you the ones that are opened by His will for you! May you be blessed with His comfort, and peace... His strength and love... as you discern His will!
Take care - Carolyn
Psalm 121
Hi Loni. Being our Church Secretary myself I can relate. I am so sorry that you are going through this with your Music Minister. I'm even more sorry that your Pastor is not standing with you or supporting you in this matter. If I were you, I would request a meeting with the both of them. Sit down together, start the meeting with prayer (asking of course that your Pastor lead the prayer(shows respect)) then let them know how you feel and that if this doesn't change, you will have to make a change. Just because we work in the ministry as a secretary does not mean we have to be overran and looked down upon. People seem to think that "church work" should go smoothly but it's a far cry from what it "appears" sometimes isn't it?
It sounds to me as if she is a "control" person. Again, I will definately keep you in my prayers. Keep me posted! Randall 

Hi Randall,
Thank you so much for your support, it means so much to me to have this place to go to and people are so supportive.
I was thinking the same thing that you mentioned about requesting a meeting, I think it's time that we work this out. I'm just worried that I would be completely alone during this meeting while he would be there supporting her. Well really I wouldn't be alone would I, the Lord would be with me and who else really do I need.
You nailed it right on the head, she is a major control freak. Thanks again for your support. Enjoy your vacation.
Take care,
Hi Loni,
I just found this board today. I read your post and boy do I empathize. My hubby's dad is a pastor and when I married him I came into the "inner circle" of the church structure. It was a rude awakening, I went from being so happy with my church as a member, to seeing things in a totally different (and sometimes very hurtful) light. I always had to put up with an amount of "back biting" at work and expected to encounter it out in the world. But we expect our church family to be a haven, a place where we are loved and supported. It really hurts when your own pastor is not behind you and you realize that there is favoritism and other sins at work even in your church. Sounds like you have done everything you can as a Christian, just stand fast and keep praying. God will bless you for it and you will be eternally rewarded for this type of persection. Wait on the Lord, he will guide you in what He wants you to do. Praying for you sweetie.
In Him,