Thursday coffee talk and THANK YOU!!
What happened to me?
8:30 and I'm still in
Man, I slept like a rock. How bout you? I can't tell you the last time I slept THIS late! Anyway, I'm up now. Ready to face a new wonderful and glorious day.
I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful emails, posts, and replies for my birthday yesterday. There is no way I can reply to all of them. You are all wonderful and you'll never know how much it means to me. YOU ALL MADE MY DAY! THANK YOU!!!
Our challenge today is to be a person of trust. Can others trust in you? Can your children trust in you? Your spouse? Your Parents? Your Boss? Trust is a very valuable part of our lives. It's important that we can trust in others and that others can trust in us. It says a lot about you if you can be trusted. You are a person of your WORD!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Almond Amaretto this morning anc it is so good! Even this late!
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed and TRUSTING day! Randall 

It is almost 10, and I am sipping on water. Trying to stay on the clear liquids until next Wednesday. I am thinking of taking a basket of apples to my doctor's office. He stood me and my husband up yesterday for surgery. He is sick, remember him in prayers please. I thought would try reverse psychology on him. You know if an apple a day for me will keep the doctor away, maybe if I give them all to him, he might show up when scheduled.
We have a new surgery date. Next Wednesday, and if the Lord willing it will all go as scheduled. If not I will be going back to school HURTING.....
Thanks so much for this message board,
Bobbie Lynn