I was emailed that I should introduce myself on the board. I was in a tizzy yesterday when I found it, having just got home from the hospital after NOT having the surgery.
I am Bobbie (Robin) whichever you prefer, I am a 42 year old wife, mother, school teacher. My husband, George, works for 7-11 corporation and is an ordained minister. I have 4 children. Aaron is 21 and works for Fed Ex. and attends college majoring in Business. Jared is 20, works at Gengis Grill in downtown Dallas and attends college majoring in English and Journalism. My only daughter, Carine, is 17 and will be a SENIOR this year deciding to skip her Junior year of High School. My baby is Caleb and he is 13 and in the 8th grade. All my children are very musical playing any and almost all instruments among them. Drums, guitar, keyboard, bass, clarinet, saxophone, mandolin, steel, percussion of all kinds. All have been involved with colorguard, and daughter is an accomplished dancer, having gone to Peru and New Orleans to teach Praise and Worship Dance and Colorguard. (0k, enough proud mama stuff)
I taught preschool for 15 years, then the last 5 years I have taught Jr. High and High School Home Ec. This will be my first year to put all my training into practice and will have my dream job of teaching Dyslexia students.
We live in Hutchins, Texas which is about 15 minutes from Downtown Dallas, but everyone thinks is in the middle of nowhere. We moved out here because we fell in love with the church here.
My husband and I are both scheduled next Wed. for wsl. He the lapband and me RNY. I look forward to getting to know everyone, and aplogize if I offended by just jumping on the board without introducing myself
Bobbie Lynn
III John 4
Hello Bobbie! Welcome. Thanks for your introduction. I didn't do that, and I haven't spent any time on my profile, but maybe I'll get around to it soon. I'm sorry to hear about your surgery delay. That would have sent me up a crazy creek! But, as I look back on this whole process for myself, I see times when the Lord just put His hand on me and slowed me down for His purpose.
I think that you'll find here that it's a great place to share our experiences, prayer requests, inspirations, etc. It's a pretty quiet board, but maybe we can post more and get the volume up!
Well - I need to get back to work, but wanted to say HI and WELCOME! I'll be praying for you and your husband and your upcoming surgeries! How exciting to do that together!!!
Take care -
Carolyn in Petaluma, CA
Psalm 121

Hey Bobbie! It's ok to just jump right on in here! No offense taken. Why would anyone get offended? Christians don't get offended. RIght?
WOW! You have a great reason to be a "Proud Mom"! That's awesome! My children are both into music big time too. Both are in the band and both sing in church, school and anywhere else they can.
I guess they get it from me.
I sing on our praise team and play piano. I was in the band for 6 years and played 4 instruments. I LOVE MUSIC!
I admire you for being a teacher. I also admire your DH for being an ordained minister. That's great.
God bless you and welcome to the Chirstianity board! We are so glad to have you here! God bless you and come back anytime. Don't just be a lurker! POST!
Colossians 3:23

Welcome Bobbie!!!! Glad to have you on board. It is slow around here sometimes but there are great encouraging people. I need to update my profile, it has been months and tons has happened. You did not offend me, I never even thought of that, people jump in and off the boards all the time. I hate it when they disappear. Welcome, and Hugs, Sandyd
Romans 1:16

Hi Bobbie...Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean NOT to your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him...and HE will direct your path! I love that scripture...and when things dont seem to be going my way ( a delay in surgery, a cancelled doctors appt. etc.) we feel it is God who is in control...and if you're like me!!! Thats the way we want it! HIM IN CONTROL!!!! So dont be discouraged in the fact that you were delayed...remember that HE is in control.....Was nice meeting you and thanks for repying to my message. I found that OH is the best place to meet people, and to have christian friends that have gone thru the same experiences, and feel the same things, and go thru similar problems...well, its nice to be able to help each other out! God Bless you and your talented (gifted) family.l I pray the Lord uses them...and you for the furtherence of His kingdom....Blessings...hugs...FrannieD