Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you have slept good and are up, at 'em, and ready to face a wonderful day!
My challenge for you today is to be a listener. Be a hearer. Listen to yourself, your mate, your children, or your friends. What are they saying to you. Listening is a wonderful thing you can do that doesn't cost a dime! Sometimes people just want to be heard. Whether it is interesting to you or not, listen to what they are saying. It's called investing TIME in that relationship. Time can help you put (as I love to put it) coins in the "love bank"! Love banks can fill up! Listen today!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my French Vanilla this morning. The last of it. It's time for more!
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful and a day full of listening! God bless! Randall 

Hey Friend!
Where have you been hiding lately? Missed having your challenges!
I am sipping on some tea this am. I dropped my kids off at VBS this morning and have a few moments of peace. (SIGH) I am trying to write more to my husband. THere is so much going on where he is on the other side of the world...and the stress is huge...but nothing God won't work out of course. So...that is my time investment.
Hope you have an AWESOME day!

Good morning Randall. I am sipping my usual Gevalia Traditional Roast with caramel, vanilla sf Coffeemate. I am rambling around in this big house feeling mighty lonely without my 10 year old granddaughter to keep me company (she is at VBS) and I miss her terribly. This is her first time away from home and I have heard she is having a wonderful time. Thanks for the challenge and what an important one it is. It makes me think of that saying, God gave you two ears and one mouth so he expected you to listen twice as much as you talk. Thanks again and have a wonderful day.
Hug, Sandyd
Thanks Randall! I'm just sippin' water today. Was doing a little more crystal light that I like - it can give me a headache!
You know what - ? The Lord will come back for us and He will swoop us up into Heaven! What a glorious hope we have! Randall and Stephanie - I read your profiles, and the hope of heaven, I'm sure, is especially sweet for you! Seeing your wife Randall, and Stephanie - seeing your Mom, and the two babes that went to be with the Lord before being born - well, it's a beautiful and blessed assurance He gives us! Our heart grieves and misses our loved ones, but I can't imagine going on without knowing that He is Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, and Maker of heaven and earth! He is our source of everything we need!
May His promises sustain you till He comes!
Hi Carolyn!
It is such a beautiful promise we have. When I first lost this last baby, my "church mom" sent me an email that talked about how my mom was in heaven able to hold my babies like I would want to. It made me totally lose it...yet feel so much better at the same time. I am so thankful I know where they are...and where I am going! Have a great day!

Hi Stephanie -
My first pregnancy, I ended with an abortion - not believing the truth about LIFE! - and buying into society's views about convenience and things. I was crushed later when I realized what I had done. Then, my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and I thought God was "getting even." Then I came to know the Lord and understood that He doesn't do that kind of score settling. Now, I know that both babies are in heaven and I will hold them both dear and close one day! Praise the Lord for His forgiveness and His unchanging love!
Take care -
Love, Carolyn
I'm going to go have decaf instant in a cup of half milk, half water, with 2 packets of Splenda. Mmm.... I'm a cafe con leche kind of gal (or more honestly leche con cafe), but I can't drink a whole cup of milk anymore due to the sugars. I'd love to have some nummy flavorings...but not for a while! Can't afford it until I get a job!
God Bless You All! Heidi L-S