Friday coffee talk
morning! Seems kind of funny to be Friday already! I hope you guys have a great weekend and be safe!
My challenge for you today is to weigh the facts before making a decision. If you have a decision to make today, look at it first. PRAY ABOUT IT! Ask God what to do. Don't just jump in to it. Sit back. Look closely at it. What will be the consequences of your decision? Who will it affect? Is it the best for you? Your family? Is it a Godly decision? Let's make it a point to listen from God. Hear HIS voice before making them. If we do, we will make better decisions in our life! Things will be a lot better for us if we will just listen to our Father!!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping' on this morning? Me? I'm sipping on my Vanilla Crème and it is so good! MMMMMM
I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed, and great decision making day! Randall 

It sure does seem funny for it to be Friday. It feels like Tuesday to me. Thank you for the challenge. This would be a fantastic way to live not just today but my whole life.......thanks for the inspiration.
I am sipping some fully loaded Gevalia tradional roast with Coffeemate sugarfree vanilla carame creamer and splenda.....YUMMMMMMMMMY!!!!! I love Gevalia coffee. It is expensive but soooo....worth it. It is so very smooth. I had some at a friends house about fifteen years ago and have been buying it ever since.
I am taking my granddaughter to the movies to see the new Garfield movie so it will be a fun day.
Blessings back at ya,

Thanks Randall. I like what you've said in your challenge. My day started by taking this a step further - in praying about what would come out of my mouth! - That the Lord would sensor my speech so that only things He intends would come out! I had quite the confrontation with my 16 1/2 year old son this morning. He's in full rebellion, and is making very bad decisions. He's turned away from the Lord and straight to Satan and drugs. It's a heart-break. But, I'll do what I need to do and continue to trust in the Lord.
I'm sippin' on some orange crystal light. Hot drinks don't taste good - maybe they will again in time.
Today, I'll remember that this is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad!
Hello Randall,
Ok so it's late afternoon, I couldn't get on earlier today but I"m sure that's ok.
What you said is so true and how many times do we just jump into our decisions and not pray about them and then wonder why we feel like God isn't listening. Well we didn't ask him and I know that I can do better at that myself. I want more than anything God's will for my life and I want to serve Him. I say out loud everyday when I'm walking into our church for the day, Please Lord help me to be a blessing to someone today and to do your will.
Life is hard enough, why go it alone.
Take care,
Yes, it is late Friday afternoon and I'm home alone while the family is still vacationing in Tennessee
but that's okay....I just miss them. My favorite Cuban Restaurant is closed this week so I have been opting for my cafe con leche elsewhere and it's just not quite the same. I'm in my last month of rotation and look forward to August and 3 weeks rest before the final semester. God gets me thru each and every day....just counld't do it without Him.
Have a blessed weekend....