July 4th coffee talk
Hey everyone! Happy July 4th. Happy Independece Day! Happy freedom day!
My challenge for you today is to honor an American Soldier. PRAY for our troops that are serving our Country. My heart is heavy today. My 19 year old nephew, whom Joie and I practically raised and had guardianship over till last year, was told yesterday that he'd be leaving for Iraq the 29th of this month. We all knew he'd have to go, but just didn't know when. We are so HONORED that he is going to fight for our Country and serve proudly with the 1,000's that are already there and have been there. I'm not heavy hearted that he HAS to go, it's just that I am like his father. He is like my son. His natural father wanted nothing to do with him after my sister and he divorced when Lee was 3. I LOVE this kid and I need you guys to help me pray for us. He's going to be fine, but leaving is always hard. A lot of you know. You have been there! THANKS IN ADVANCE!
So, what cha sipping on today? Me? I'm sitting here with my 1st cup of the day believe it or not!
I've been up, done a load of laundry, got my ribs marinating (for me and the kiddos), baked a S/F Cappucino cake (YUM), and gone to the hospital for some routine blood work for my nephrologist. Whew!
Ya'll have a great, wonderful, and blessed 4th! STAY SAFE AND COOL!
Love you all! Randall 

Randall, It is great that you have cared for your nephew from the beginning. I know how hard it must be to have him go so far away into that mess. I will pray for him and all the troops as well as for you and the rest of your family.
Now, as for me I'm sippin on Chocolate milk made with skim milk and s/f syrup. Yummy! Just had a craving for it today. Have a safe and fun 4th! God bless you and yours!
All my love,

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Trust that God will keep him safe and he will return to the family soon.
As for me I'm really trying hard to get my first bottle of water down, but I would really rather have some coffee this morning. This is so funny to me, I never before my surgery liked coffee but now I love it what is that about? Who knows, I've noticed so many things in my tastes have changed. I would the recipe for your cake, if you don't mind.
Have a wonderful 4th and be safe.
Take Care,
Hi Friend!
Sounds like you are really busy today! I know how you feel about your nephew. My husband is a sailor...not a soldier...but he is over there...doing what needs to be done. I miss him terribly....and am so glad that he knows God...and is being used over there in a place of such madness. He works in 117-135 degree temps...and it is hard physically for him...plus mentally being away from home....so we pray for him...and all of the guys and girls over there.
Ok...now...you have to email me your recipe for cappucino cake...just have to. It sounds so yummy! I found some cappucino cookies the other day...and was in heaven. The cake sounds even better!
Have a great day...and try to stay in the shade! Don't forget your water!

I'm a little late for the 4th but one day isn't so bad. I just sipped some Crystal Light to take my vitamins this monring and now to eat some cottage cheese with SF jam. Gte my day started with protein. The 4th was my 10th week since surgery and I am feeling great and have lost 55lbs. The Lord is good!
I will pray for your nephew as I do for all our troops. I also would love your recipe for the cake and also what do you use to marinate your ribs? Do you have recipes that you share?
In Christ,
Joan M

Hi Joan...I may have asked you this before...don't know...where is Lexington co where you live in relationship to Charleston? I am moving to Charleston in January. I have to come down there soon and finalize our house stuff. Now...if I could only make up my mind...lol...that is difficult...especially with all of the stuff going on the past few weeks. Anyway...hope you are doing well...take care...