Monday coffee talk
Good morning everyone. I hope you have slept well and are ready to face the day! Face it with a GREAT attitude, love, and a smile!
My challenge for you today is to rememmber one of our very own! Louise Aldredge from the Alabama Board lost her grandson last night in a choking incident in which he didn't recover. PLEASE remember this family in your prayers and thoughts. THEY NEED THEM!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? I'm sitting here sipping my Hazelnut Cream with sweet-n-low and cream this a.m.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Monday! Randall 

Hidee Ho Randall and all! Good Monday morning!
I did sleep well...great in fact. Today is my last day on the Sergeant's training program. PTL!!! This has been a long haul but God has made it easy every step of the way.
I am drinking Isopure protein shake right now and I have a cup of orange green tea brewing to wa**** down with. I'm saving my coffee for when I'm on my way to work at 11. I will be drinking whatever starbucks has made with cream and splenda. I can hardly wait.
Well, I'm off to take the kids and dog on their daily walk. Have a great day everyone!
Love, Jacinda