Friday coffee talk
Good Friday morning everyone! I hope you slept as good as I did! Man, a good nights sleep does a body good.
I'm up enjoying the peace and quiet this morning. I woke up and just laid in bed enjoying the quietness.
My challenge for you today is to live a life of peace. Chaos doesn't do you any good. Living a life of peace transends all understaning. When you live a life of peace, it flows over into those around you. So does a life of chaos. I've lived in peace and I've lived in chaos. I am glad the chaos is gone and peace has ensued. Peace is so much better than chaos. Choose a life of peace today and see how your life will change!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Foldger's Half Caf today. Gotta cut back on some of the caffine. Somehow though, I feel like I'm being cheated!
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful, and PEACEFUL Friday! Randall