Monday morning coffee talk
Good Monday morning everyone. How'd you sleep? I've been playing catch up.
Sleepin' good here!
My challenge today continues from one of last week's challenges about being a giver. When we give of ourselves, we learn that things and life isn't "all" about us. Yes, WLS IS all about us and that's a good thing. We deserve this time, but life in general isn't about us. When we have the mindset of always being a "taker" and not ever giving, we become self centered and selfish. Let's continue to learn to be givers. See how it makes you feel to give. Not always giving of monetary things, but time, love, and even sometimes a gift to a friend or family member here and there, just because. I can remember sending Joie roses at times and signing the card "just because". When she came home, (from work most times) the look on her face was priceless! You not only make the reciever of your "gifts" feel good, you make yourself feel good.
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me, I've already had 20 oz. of Wal-Mart's knock off Peach Crystal Light and now I'm sipping on my Vanilla Creme Coffee. MMMMMM
I hope you guys have a wonderful, blessed, and GIVING day! Randall