Thursday morning coffee talk
Good Thursday morning coffee talk. I hope you have slept well and you are up and at 'em. Ready to face a new day. Ready to face life's challenges!
Speaking of challenges, let's challenge each other today to be accountable for a friend. Be there for them today. Are they going through something? Be there for them. Can't be there? Call them. Let them know you are thinking about them and are there in spirit. BE A TRUE FRIEND! Be true to your best friend. A friend sticks closer than a brother....or sister!
SO! Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Maxwell House regular with sweet-n-low and cream. MMMMMMMM The savor of that 1st cup in the morning. Nothing like it!
I hope you have a blessed, beautiful, and FRIEND FULL day! Randall 

Hey Randall...
I had already emailed my friend this morning before I read your post!
Did not sleep well last night...still going through a lot...and I am having some wierd dreams. Don't know what is up with that. Anyway...gonna be a long day. I have to go to the cardiologist today for a check up...with these sleepy red
Have not started any coffee yet today...but have been working on some tea this am. The coffee will surely have to follow. This will be a caffeine day...LOL...and I usually drink decaf cause of the heart thing...anyway...
Hope you have an awesome day!

It's already afternoon and yes, I started the day with my usual....2 cups of cafe con leche w/splenda. I had to do a lot of "early" running from the post office, to the car wash, to the hospital for tomorrow's assignment and then to school....all before noon, too.
I had a very unpleasant email from the instructor of my Peds theory class (one I had not met since my classes are online) and it really offended me. I prayed about it and felt like I needed to respond to her to defend my integrity. Even though my close classmates defended me they feared it might affect my grade negatively. (She has a "reputation of retaliation"). God backed my I got an email changing my grade to full credit, (but no apology for the slanderous remark). I forgive her and know that I don't have to deal with it because God will.
This probably has nothing to do with being a True Friend....other than Jesus is the truest friend we will ever have....