do you ever think like this...
Hi my friends. I am wondering if I am alone in my feelings. I am three months post-op & have reached 50 lbs lost. This is great and I feel wonderful. My clothes are falling off of me. I am energized and exercising without extreme pain. I feel so good.
So what's the problem...Well, I am of course dealing with still seeing myself at my pre-surgery weight and with my pre-surgery failures. For instance, with every past diet that I tried I would lose enough weight for me and others around me to start noticing. Inevitably every time I would gain the weight back, sometimes over time, sometimes it would happen faster than I could lose it. So now I am having a mental struggle with wondering when the day is going to happen, any day now, that I'll start to see the scale moving back up. I am following my Dr's and nutritionist orders and I am exercising. I am even trying some new recipies that I got from the book called Before & After weight loss surgery.
So I guess what I am asking, have any of you ever felt that way? Has that fear ever entered your mind? I am seeing a counselor so I can get help overcoming past failures and believing that this surgery will work for me if I do what I am supposed to do.
Anyway, I look forward to hearing from y'all. Have a great weekend.
Love, Robin
I failed at so many diets over my lifetime I couldn't even attempt to guess how many. Even 2 1/2 years post RNY I "fear" the scales thinking that I might have failed again. I am even below goal
I thank God every day
for this tool and in the same prayer I ask for control and peace of mind that I can maintain this normal weight. I don't know how to overcome the memory of past failures.
I am aware that God
doesn't hold those failures against me...but Satan often hangs a "post it note to" remind me.

Thank you luvitsunnyv. I was talking with my nutritionist today and she said that even though I really can't picture myself any thinner or maintaining a healthy weight that I want, that I can and should change my thinking about it. I need to say I will reach my goal, I will maintain, I will be able to stick to my new lifestyle and eating choices. It really is important to "renew" our minds. I know that God wants me to be positive and successful, even more than I want it for myself. I just have to rebuke Satan and change those thoughts.
This surgery has really pushed me to new levels of faith, lifestyle and inner character changes. I love how God uses many different things in our lives to keep us growing and learning.

I am 8 weeks post op and have lost 44 pounds. About 2 days ago I noticed the scale had gone up about 2 or 3 pounds and I was convinced my losing days were over. Yes, I do check the scale daily. I can't help it- obsessive I guess. Well, anyway, I was so discouraged and thought here we go again. Praise God, though, today I am down 4 more pounds and know that the losing continues. All this to say, you have company with your doubts. However, I know that I have never lost this much on my own. I gave it over to God and He has rewarded me richly. If I don't lose another pound, I would be sad, but I have made more gains than I would have ever done on my own. We will be ok, I know we will. In Him, Kim M.