Friday morning coffee talk
Good Friday morning everyone. Can you do the happy
The weekend is almost here!
Do you have any big plans? We are headed south for a Father's Day celebration for Joie's Grandfather. He is 84 and an AWESOME man whom I admire with all my heart. I called him last night for some "fatherly" advice. Seemed to make his day and also helped me!
My challenge for you today is to remember, this is Father's Day weekend. Remember your DH ladies! Remember your Father if he is still alive. My father passed away in 2000 and I miss him so much. I was watching a program last night that said 54% of American's are on the "outs" with their fathers. 1/2 of that 54% said they didn't think the relationship could be mended. How sad is that? Cherish your Father. He is the ONLY one you will ever have. If you have a "broken" relationship, try to mend it. You may not be the one that broke it, but be humble enough to call. Appologize first. Make the 1st step in trying. You'll feel better in that you have done your part. If you have a WONDERFUL relationship with your Father, do something special for him today. Catch him off guard. Do something 2 days early. Show your love!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Vanilla Creme this morning. My 1st cup of the day and boy, is it good.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Friday! Randall 

Good Friday morning everyone, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy,busy, busy... Anyway, I am so glad it is Friday, my boys and my husband-George have been gone all week at church camp and I miss them soooo much and they will be home today. George is such an awesome father and I am trying to think of something unusual to do to let him know how much I appreciate him, so if anyone has any ideas just let me know. Email me, because I know as soon as he comes home he'll have to get on the OH boards because I know he has been going through withdrawals all week not being able to chat.!!! So honey, if you are reading this-STOP
Ha!ha! Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!
I'm drinking the regular coffee, splenda, low fat frills today.
May God bless you all!!