Man! I slept so late today. Torey, Allison, and I have said today is our "chill" day. No NOTHING! Just chilling. There are NO dirty clothes, clean clothes, dirty dishes, dishwasher to unload or nothing.

I took advantage of that too!

I slept late. Not even rolling over in

My challenge for you today is to take CONTROL! Take control of your body! Of your LIFE! Of your eating! Don't let anyone, anything, or any FOOD control you today. If you are not in control, you are like a race car out of control on a speedway. Spiraling out of control. Headed for a brick wall or dead end. If you are in control of your life, you have vision. You have your sights set on a goal. Take control and reach that goal today! BE IN CONTROL OF YOU!
So! I'm not even gonna ask who's up. :ROLF: Just......What cha sippin' on today? Me? I'm on my 1st cup of Maxwell House Regular today with sweet-n-low. Can you believe it's black too!? No cream!

Ya'll have a great, wonderful, blessed, and in CONTROL day! Randall