Prayer Request
Back to believing!
Original Post by Judy W at 8:48 AM PST on 06/15/2006
McCall, ID
Hi all,
It's been awhile since I was a lurker on this site! I gave up 6 months ago because my husband's insurance had a written exclusion and all my hopes of ever having the DS were dashed on the rocks.
I had resigned myself to a slow and painful death and let all hope of having the surgery go. BUT, my husband never stopped praying for a miracle. AND GUESS WHAT!!! We have now moved to Idaho through a series of STRANGE cir****tances and here I am....hoping again that his new insurance policy will cover my needs. So, here I am again...afraid to believe and afraid NOT to believe!
I know you all know what it is to know you are going to die if you don't get this surgery and I know some of you understand the pain of having to let that hope go. I am asking for your prayers. I am asking because I have 10 kids (five his-five mine) and I have NEVER lived. I have been FAT since I was under one years old. I want to do things like whitewater rafting....ride a jet ski......BEFORE I DIE!!!!! My kids have been robbed because I can't do anything with them. PLEASE......if you know God.....pray for me.....
Thanks so much everyone for your selfless help to others....

Thank You so much Kelly!
I am believing....I am finally believing that I will find the stregnth to fight this battle. I KNOW there's a battle ahead....not only physically......but spiritually as well. I know my enemy does not want me to recieve God's deliverance! BUT......greater is He that is in my.....than he that is in the world! I will keep trying....I was soooo discouraged but you all have helped alot. Thanks again!

I'll be agreeing in prayer with you that God will give you the desire of your heart. He knows what you need and he is working on your behalf. He is always working on our behalf. Always!
I know it's tough to hear when you are going through, but God is in control and on time. We are struggling with my husband finding a job. He has gone on several great interviews. They have all sounded very promising. Then he hears back that the company is being told they can't hire until a contract comes in. This is getting really old to hear. But we are trusting God that his timing is perfect and on time. It isn't easy to walk the walk of faith sometimes. But hang in there.
Hugs, Robin