Wednesday morning coffee talk
Happy Wednesday morning everyone! I hope you slept good and are ready to face a wonderful day. What makes it wonderful? YOU DO!
My challenge for you today is to list your priorities, IN ORDER to you. After you do this, sit back. Look at them. Are they in proper order? Is the #1 thing listed really what should be #1? Same down the line. We MUST keep our priorities straight. If we don't, we lose focus of what's really important. STAY FOCUSED!
So! Who's up? What cha sippin' on this morning? Me? I've had my "Boiled Omelet" (in a zip lock bag), now I am sipping on my Regular Maxwell House with cream and sweet-n-low. There is just something about that 1st cup of coffee in the morning. I love it. I have actually cut down on my coffee!
Trying to get in more water. I WILL NOT CUT OUT MY COFFEE! Just cutting back some.
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL, BLESSED, and PRIORITY STRAIGHT day! Randall