Monday morning coffee talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Well, It's 3:45 a.m. and I am STILL awake!
I don't know why I couldn't sleep tonight. I dunno if it was my 3 hour "power" nap today, or the fact that I have a PS consult and I'm too excited. Maybe a combination of both.
Oh well. It's Monday! Time to start another week. Who's up? Besides me?
My challenge for you today is to go out of your way to be kind to someone you usually avoid! I'm challenging myself with this one too today.
So, what cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm sipping on my Crystal Light and it's so good. No coffee yet. I've cut back over the weekend. Can you believe I didn't even drink a whole pot all day yesterday? WHAT!?! I'll be headed to the kitchen in a little bit though. With no sleep, I'll need that coffee today! Ya'll be blessed and have a wonderful day! Randall 

Hi, Randall, hope your consult goes well today. I have been up since 4:30 and have already drank my 2 cups of Mello Joy Between Roast, and am now sipping on Diet Lipton Green Tea w/citrus. I love it!
Gotta get started on my day before it gets too hot outside..... supposed to hit 97 today.
God Bless!