I don't even know what to say...
Friends, please read the latest update on my profile. There is a lot going on, and I am overwhelmed and devastated. The little bit of good news is that they are letting my husband fly home from his deployment overseas for 14 days to grieve with me. Please keep our family in your prayers. I love all of you dearly.
I just read your profile update. First of all let me say that I have cried for you. My heart aches for you. You are going through so much right now darlin'. I wish i could reach through and give you a huge hug right now. I can't believe all that you are dealing with.
Please know that God is with you. He is carrying you through this time. He is grieving with you. He cries with you. You are NOT alone. However, saying that and feeling it are two very different things. I know. My counselor told me that turning to God for things is what we need to do and should do, but having the tangible to hold on to really helps too. Don't be afraid to lean on your friends, each and every one of us, near and far. We are all here for you.
I am praying for you and for your family. Jesus, be the comforter right now for Stephanie. Be the strength and joy for this family, Holy Spirit, make the presence of God truly real for Stephanie at this time in her life. Thank you Lord for being faithful and dependable. In Jesus Name, Amen
Hugs, Robin S.
I also lost a baby years ago and the pain of it is stil there, so I understand to some extent how you feel. Yet, no one can truly be in another's place completely. I will pray the Lord Who is the God of ALL comfort will comfort you as only He can. I also pray for your husband and children and their comfort. I will pray for the Lord to bring a Christian lady into your path that can help you during this time.
Jesus loves you Steph and do not let the enemy put lies in your thought. He has loved you since before the foundation of the earth and He does have a good plan for life.
Let your tears flow for grief is normal, even Jesus wept...but let others love you too.
Oh, precious Father, please comfort Stephanie right now where she sits and reads this and let your peace flow over and through her Lord. May she truly know the height, depth and breadth of your love for her...In Jesus Name...Amen
In Him,
Joan M
(deactivated member)
on 6/7/06 9:29 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 6/7/06 9:29 am - Jonesboro, GA
Oh Stephanie, I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and you family in all of these situations!! Love, candy

Stephanie, I want you to know that God is with you right now as you are going through this. I'm sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. God promised us that he would NEVER leave us nor forsake us. I lost my wife in January and EVERY day is hard. If it wasn't for the strength of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, I have no idea what I would do. My children are the same way. We rely on God daily for strength. You must do the same thing right now. I know you know that. I pray that God comes and wraps his arms of love, comfort and peace around you right now like never before. I pray that He let's you feel His love in a powerful way. I really have no words that would make things better. I just mainly want you to know that you are NOT alone! We are here for you, but most of all, GOD is right there. Let him heal your heart. Let Him heal your pain. He LONGS to minister to us in our hurt and pain. God bless you my friend! Randall
Stephanie, words at this time fail me. I am so sorry for all that is going on in your life. I ache for you and your family. We all can't be there with you physically, but know that we are (cyberly) sitting at your side, holding your hand, praying with you.
As for the court thing..... he can't mess with Uncle Sam!
And the hair thing.... do they realize you can press charges???
Love and Prayers,