Monday morning coffee talk
Good morning everyone! I hope you have slept well! Gizzy woke me up about an hour ago needing to go out so I am up and at 'em.
My challenge for you today is to realize one weakness about yourself and do what you can to make that weakness stronger. When you do this, you are doing self improvement and boy I can sure say that I need that! I am far from perfect. All of us are! We continue to work on ourselves daily and as we do, we become better people!
So! Who's up today? What cha sipping on? Me? Chocolate Velvet this morning and boy is it ever good!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful and blessed "self improving" day! Randall 

Got up early, working on a Bible study for my clients. Sipping on a vanilla protein shake with a raspberry yogurt mixed in. Needed some protein this a.m. Getting ready to go to the gym to work out for a bit before going to the crisis pregnancy center to see what the Lord has for us today!
Abiding in Him!