Your Bridge

AMoore A'
on 6/4/06 9:04 pm
Thought for Today: YOUR BRIDGE My prayers connect me more deeply with God and my own divine nature. What I think, say, and do today has an impact on my present experiences and on those in my future. As a student, I know that it matters whether or not I study, and as I dedicate myself to study, I am building a strong bridge to the world of knowledge. As a worker, I understand that it matters whether or not I give my attention to the task at hand, so I stay focused, adding new links in a bridge to higher fulfillment in my career. Growing in an awareness of what truly matters, I am resolved to express love and to be spiritually mindful in every moment. As a seeker of spiritual understanding, I know that I am building a bridge to my next experience in life and to my next level of understanding. And I know that each prayer I pray connects me more deeply with God and with my own divine nature. --author unknown to me "Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2 AMP
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