Friday morning coffee talk
It's Friday! It's Friday! It's finally Friday!
Time to get up! The weekend is almost here! WOO HOO!
My challenge for you today is......DO NOT say anything negative about yourself! Build yourself up today. ONLY GOOD AND POSITIVE WORDS about YOU today! You ARE a great person! You ARE awesome! You can do ALL things you set out to do! You CAN accomplish anything you set out to do. You CAN get to goal! You CAN eat right! You are BEAUTIFUL! Look in the mirror? See that beautiful person? That's YOU! You are a positive person! YOU ARE BLESSED! You were created in God's image! What an image!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Maxwell House Regular for me today. Somedays it's good just to have the good old regular.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed POSITIVE SELF IMAGE day!

So good to "hear" you again Randall. I don't get on the boards much these days. Too busy!
But I will tell you this:
I am blessed and highly favored of God. He is my all in all. My Rock and My Salvation in Him will I trust. I woke up this morning and I was on God's mind!
What does the world do without Him???!!!???
Teaching a Bible study this a.m. to the women at the crisis pregnancy center where I am the director.
Blessings to you and the kids!
Abiding in Him,
Good morning Peggy! You are so right! We are blessed and HIGHLY favored of the Lord! I say that all the time! I couldn't imagine where I would be w/o him. I don't want to know! He is so good to me. I love your positive thinking! God bless you today as you spread/teach God's awesome Word! I pray that he uses you as His mouthpiece speaking the very oracles of God! Randall 

Good Morning Randall and all!
Randall, you must have a closet full of coffee. It seems like you are drinking something different everyday.
I have been feeling very positive lately. The move to our new house is going well so far. We still have 2 weeks to get out of here and we are making great progress. We have a contract on the old house and should be closing on June 15! Thank you God!!!
Things are also going well at work. I've got about 4 more weeks in this training program. God has really eased my mind about it. It could have been so stressful, but its not.
So many things could have gone wrong in these last couple of months but God has been pulling us through every step of the way. He has made our path very smooth. Thanks again God!
As for coffee, I am drinking my protein right now but I will be moving on to coffee shortly. My coffee pot and coffee are already at the new house so I will be having starbucks today with cream and splenda. I know what you're thinking...naughty naughty girl drinking that cream.
I just can't drink coffee without it though. Besides, the coffee waters it all down anyway right? If not, don't tell me. I don't want to know.
Well I'm off to packin! Have a wonderful and blessed Friday all!
Love, Jacinda